Re: Rubicon

sorry too slow paced for my attention span wink

When i watch rubicon i wanna do a million other things coz it can't hold my interest



Re: Rubicon

HomerS wrote:

sorry too slow paced for my attention span wink

When i watch rubicon i wanna do a million other things coz it can't hold my interest

ahh. you are my kind of dude! you like fast paced action! P0rn my man!!! there is more interest.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
My Watchlist

28 (edited by HomerS 2010-08-06 19:45:07)

Re: Rubicon

godzionu wrote:
HomerS wrote:

sorry too slow paced for my attention span wink

When i watch rubicon i wanna do a million other things coz it can't hold my interest

ahh. you are my kind of dude! you like fast paced action! P0rn my man!!! there is more interest.

true true  fast paced is better indeed and yeh pron holds my interest for a certain amount of time and then it suddenly stops, when u know what i mean  big_smile



Re: Rubicon

HomerS wrote:

when u know what i mean  big_smile

indeed tongue

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Rubicon

Orlando wrote:

I really like the piano theme. (In the second episode it is from 21:09 to 22:24).

Yes! I noticed how great the score for the show is. I have to say I like this trend to more production values in other than SFX and casting departments. The Pacific already had big name composers attached and while I don't know who is doing the music for Rubicon (I am too lazy to google it), they are doing their job extremely well.

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh



Re: Rubicon

marco1475 wrote:
Orlando wrote:

I really like the piano theme. (In the second episode it is from 21:09 to 22:24).

Yes! I noticed how great the score for the show is. I have to say I like this trend to more production values in other than SFX and casting departments. The Pacific already had big name composers attached and while I don't know who is doing the music for Rubicon (I am too lazy to google it), they are doing their job extremely well.

whoa. you guys are insane. i barely ever notice music in series. nor do i care to look for it either.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
My Watchlist


Re: Rubicon

marco1475 wrote:
Orlando wrote:

I really like the piano theme. (In the second episode it is from 21:09 to 22:24).

Yes! I noticed how great the score for the show is. I have to say I like this trend to more production values in other than SFX and casting departments. The Pacific already had big name composers attached and while I don't know who is doing the music for Rubicon (I am too lazy to google it), they are doing their job extremely well.

smile Just checked the second ep, the composers name is Peter Nashel.

And I think that the opening credits are also great, straight from a paranoid mind.

godzionu wrote:
marco1475 wrote:
Orlando wrote:

I really like the piano theme. (In the second episode it is from 21:09 to 22:24).

Yes! I noticed how great the score for the show is. I have to say I like this trend to more production values in other than SFX and casting departments. The Pacific already had big name composers attached and while I don't know who is doing the music for Rubicon (I am too lazy to google it), they are doing their job extremely well.

whoa. you guys are insane. i barely ever notice music in series. nor do i care to look for it either.

Well, that's why you don't notice it. You don't care. So don't act so suprise tongue



Re: Rubicon

the score/music of pillars of the earth is great and of sherlock is not bad either, dunno who made those.



Re: Rubicon

HomerS wrote:

the score/music of pillars of the earth is great and of sherlock is not bad either, dunno who made those.

Well, that's the BBC. BBC shows usually have good composers. For example Doctor Who's Murray Gold, who just outdid himself in the fifth season and is the only TV composer I actually own CDs of - an honor reserved for movie composers. (Although that might also be due to TV music not being released on CD as commonly as movie music is nowadays.)

And of course every BBC show has access to their music archive, which - if I'm not mistaken - is the biggest on Earth. Newswipe made a point of this that basically BBC has the licences for most popular songs ever published (except The Beatles, I think) and any show can use any of them. What turns into a serious hussle for any US show - getting the rights for songs, which gets worse the more famous they are - is automatic for any BBC show. They just use them and all is taken care of by some umbrella-agreement the Beeb signed.

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh



Re: Rubicon

Just finished watching the second episode.  I have to say, this is going to be a great show.
Yes its show paced, but that is what helps it I think.  There are too many shows that are predictable now, and this makes a very welcome change.

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Rubicon

marco1475 wrote:
HomerS wrote:

the score/music of pillars of the earth is great and of sherlock is not bad either, dunno who made those.

Well, that's the BBC. BBC shows usually have good composers. For example Doctor Who's Murray Gold, who just outdid himself in the fifth season and is the only TV composer I actually own CDs of - an honor reserved for movie composers.

And what about Bear McCreary? smile



Re: Rubicon

Orlando wrote:

And what about Bear McCreary? smile

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan. I thought BSG music was really good in the context of the episodes, but the rhythmic drums are just too repetitive for me. Having said that, I do have "Kara Remembers" and "Roslin and Adama Reunited" in my playlist ... those were the exceptional tunes from season 4 for me. But I fully acknowledge that it's just me being weird, since everybody dumps nothing but praise on the BSG soundtracks.

(And as long as we are name-dropping composers how about Robert Duncan? His work on BtVS was superb - I have the Chosen suite in my playlist as well. And whoever did the first season music of Desperate Housewives deserves an Oscar as well smile )

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh


38 (edited by Orlando 2010-08-08 09:29:54)

Re: Rubicon

Well, there not that much drums in Shapes of Things to Come, A Good Lighter, Passacaglia, Elegy etc. wink But I understand. As for the drums, they really work for me in the action scenes, like for example Prelude To War. I don't know if you're a gamer, but if you have a intense FPS game, then play Prelude in the background while playing (paisleys idea). It's fuckin amazing smile Oh, and speaking of Roslin & Adama, I think that the best theme of theirs is the first one from S02, Roslin & Adama (d'uh). smile (Let's not forget about the nice rock pieces like Black Market and Apocalypse).

Sadly, I don't know Robert Duncans work, because I never watched Buffy (was suppose to watch it this summer, but..). Neither I know Desperate Housewives. But please, feel free to throw me a link of two smile



Re: Rubicon

ur prelude to war links to elegy



Re: Rubicon

Fixed. (Ctrl + C really works shity recently).


41 (edited by marco1475 2010-08-09 03:50:11)

Re: Rubicon

Wow, Orlando, thanks for all those links. I never had the patience to go through all seasons of BSG's music so I just went through season 4 because I remembered liking two melodies there. Now thanks to you, I don't have to scour through season 1-3 smile Btw. speaking of the drums, I am very surprised myself that I don't like them, because I am usually a huge fan of percussion - Hans Zimmer is my favorite composer of all times and all he does is basically percussion. I really don't know what it is with BSG's percussion that rubs me the wrong way ...

So now let me repay the favor. Desperate Housewives - 1x08 "Guilty" (watch from 7:05 if you want the "full experience" or here is just the song) and 2x15 "Thank You so Much" (unfortunately, YouTube doesn't have the full version with narration, just the music-only version). Next we have Robert Duncan's "Suite from Chosen," which is pretty epic, if I may say so myself. Then there is the reason why I love Batman: Batman - The Animated Series' 1x03 "Nothing to Fear" (watch from 9:00 until the end). In addition to the absolutely fantastic music - especially the arrangement of the main Batman theme at 10:30 - I use this as an example why a live-action movie can never be as iconic as a cartoon / comic book (the shadow!). Also Studio 60 on Sunset Blvd. 1x13 "The Harriet Dinner" had the best score-to-opening theme cross-fades ever (4:06 - 4:30).

And then there's a whole slew of gems from Doctor Who, which I don't have to tell you about, like 2x04 "The Girl in the Fireplace" (this, this+this (the melody is split between those two scenes), and this+this), or 4x11 "Turn Left" or the ending of 4x09 "Forest of the Dead" (no link here, because I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't seen it yet). And of course the utter, complete, indisputable brilliance of "I am the Doctor" from season 5, which just might be the greatest thing composed for TV ever.

I don't know if you are in the US, but if you can get your hands on Drawn Together's 2x13 "A Very Special Drawn Together Afterschool Special," from 19:48 to 20:07 is pretty amazing too. (Although that might be a real song, not a score.)

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh


42 (edited by HomerS 2010-08-09 17:40:38)

Re: Rubicon

i like the robert duncan song and the "I am the Doctor" song is also very good.

Hans Zimmer is the man again, he did another great job with the soundtrack for inception

Inception - Mombasa

i also like the song chosen for the Mass Effect 2 Launch trailer whoever that did.

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer



Re: Rubicon

HomerS wrote:

i also like the song chosen for the Mass Effect 2 Launch trailer whoever that did.

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer

WTF is Yvonne Strahovski doing in there?




Re: Rubicon

BlackBox wrote:
HomerS wrote:

i also like the song chosen for the Mass Effect 2 Launch trailer whoever that did.

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer

WTF is Yvonne Strahovski doing in there?


Providing her voice and face for all of the fap masters? smile



Re: Rubicon

Orlando wrote:
BlackBox wrote:
HomerS wrote:

i also like the song chosen for the Mass Effect 2 Launch trailer whoever that did.

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer

WTF is Yvonne Strahovski doing in there?


Providing her voice and face for all of the fap masters? smile

I guess that's true, although I hate the way the faces look in this game. All freakish lifeless and extremely artificial hmm



Re: Rubicon

So to bring this lumbering beast of posts back on topic, the third episode was again excellent. With each episode I am more and more intrigued about what's going on. The only thing that is bothering me so far is the old black "mentor" - I fear Rubicon won't be stronger than Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey and we all know what happens to mentors ...

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh



Re: Rubicon

MILF = Moral Islamic Liberation Fund  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  lol

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
My Watchlist


Re: Rubicon

marco1475 wrote:

Desperate Housewives - 1x08 "Guilty" (watch from 7:05 if you want the "full experience" or here is just the song) and 2x15 "Thank You so Much" (unfortunately, YouTube doesn't have the full version with narration, just the music-only version).

I finally got around to figuring out who did the music for Desperate Housewives and I was pleasantly surprised that I remembered correctly it was Steve "Transformers" Jablonsky. (Transformers is nothing but early-00s Zimmer brought to perfection.)

HomerS wrote:

i also like the song chosen for the Mass Effect 2 Launch trailer whoever that did.

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer

The music for that trailer is made by Two Steps from Hell one of many music production houses that sprang up in Hollywood lately, providing original music for trailers and commercials (just like Corner Stone Cues, the makers of the famous "Requiem for a Tower" or Immediate Music). The song in the Mass Effect trailer is called "Legend #1" and Two Steps from Hell did also the breath-taking music for Star Trek's third trailer (it's called "Freedom Fighters").

I honestly dislike this current trend, because while music composed for and specially-tailored to trailers makes them epic, it also makes the music very hard to find. The music production houses usually don't publish CDs of their music and if they do, they are meant for trailer directors and music coordinators, which makes them very expensive and impossible to get. And even if you happen to be so lucky and get your hands on one of them you realize they are filled with 25+ short songs, mostly variations on the same theme or very similar in style - bite-sized chunks well suited for trailers but impossible to listen to (or even choose one to keep from).

You then end up with stuff like the Michael Montes' Canon Rebel commercial music (full song) or Mark Willot's NBA on TNT 2007 commercial music. The former is on iTunes because of its popularity, but I am on the lookout for the song from Mark Willot for three years now ... Where are the days where all it took for a brilliant commercial to re-use pre-existing film music?

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh


49 (edited by HomerS 2010-08-21 14:25:52)

Re: Rubicon

marco1475 wrote:

I honestly dislike this current trend, because while music composed for and specially-tailored to trailers makes them epic, it also makes the music very hard to find.

i hear ya, took me ages to get the song from immediate music for the island trailer
called Lucius Dei, a master piece, one of the few songs which gives me goose bumps when it hits its climax.

Now it's easier to find it coz they released an album with a longer version of it.

There is even a commercial version out there by Globus  - Diem Ex Dei


50 (edited by marco1475 2010-08-21 16:42:37)

Re: Rubicon

HomerS wrote:

took me ages to get the song from immediate music for the island trailer
called Lucius Dei, a master piece, one of the few songs which gives me goose bumps when it hits its climax.

Speaking of Immediate Music, I remember them as the first company that introduced me to the whole music production house concept. Way back in 2000 they did the music for the very first, pre-production, internet-only trailer for Lord of the Rings (the song used is "Gothic Power"). They also did the music for X-Men: The Last Stand trailer (the trailer was exponentially better than the movie, mostly due to the editing and the "Rising Empire" music). Another good example is the Kinsey trailer, the music for which was composed by X-Ray Dog and is called "Journey."

It's funny you mentioned The Island trailer, because music from that movie was used to fantastic effect in the Elizabeth: The Golden Age trailer (the song is Steve Jablonsky's "My Name is Lincoln").

"We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We're evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go."
-- Colonel Tigh
