52 2010-02-03 16:23:34 (edited by mcpotolos 2010-02-03 16:24:17)
Re: 1x02
the good thing is that i finish watching bsg yesterday again... 3 times in a row every single episode of a show is a record to me
it`s pretty hard to tell if the new centurions have/had their own personality but the human cylonmoduls installed the telencephalic inhibitor.... http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Telen … _inhibitor
so i think they will most likly had one
Re: 1x02
BlackBox wrote:If the boundaries of the human brain are gone - the mind travels faster. It doesn't matter where the mind comes from
But what are the boundaries of the Cylon processors? Which are strictier? Our or their?
Ours and theirs are looking for answers and seak there salvation in the gods or the one god. I guess that is a limitation
Re: 1x02
the good thing is that i finish watching bsg yesterday again... 3 times in a row every single episode of a show is a record to me
it`s pretty hard to tell if the new centurions have/had their own personality but the human cylonmoduls installed the telencephalic inhibitor.... http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Telen … _inhibitor
so i think they will most likly had one
Nice find - I knew there was something - I just couldn't remember it in my limited brain
Re: 1x02
that was later. we are talking about the robot cylons.
Re: 1x02
godzionu wrote:that was later. we are talking about the robot cylons.
we too
we who?
Re: 1x02
We'll see - let's wait a few more eps and the DVR ratings...
Re: 1x02
frack those americans
Re: 1x02
isn`t that suprising... if you compare the ratings of the last bsg season with this i think the ratings are okay
http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/List_ … ings_(RDM)
i wouldn`t overrate this at all ... as the articel say
I know, I know, just wait until the live+7 DVR numbers come in…
and even if they are lower... if they make enough money with syndication releases, dvd and soundtrack sells and marchindise... they won`t chancel it