Topic: The Office (US)

The Office (US)


Best line from The Office this year smile Just had to share it ...at the wedding reception Oscar saying "you thought I was dating THIS ...what the hell is wrong with you!"

aaaah couldn't stop laughing smile

And yes I know I'm only at the end of episode 3 ...one more to go but it's still technically the funniest line this year!


Re: The Office (US)

paisley1 wrote:

Up yours Gervais!

While I agree that the US version is funnier, you should know that Gervais is the creator and the mastermind behind the US version as well so you should be thanking him not insulting him.


Re: The Office (US)

The US version is actually quite good, nivalis. I liked the UK one better, too, but the US one has had way more seasons to mature. Theyre quite different, but it's not a bad thing.

4 (edited by xrnzaaas 2010-03-06 17:49:38)

Re: The Office (US)

Office (US) is such a great show. I didn't know what it was about a month ago, but got sucked in and immediately watched all seasons. Sixth season so far is the worst but it had several great episodes, including the wedding episode and the last one with Pam giving birth (Dwight was awesome smile).

Oh, and it got renewed for season 7 (along with several other NBC comedies). Yay. smile


5 (edited by Phuncz 2010-03-08 14:40:03)

Re: The Office (US)

Dwight owns all. Even Jim was funny, just not this season because Pam is just a major control freak.



Re: The Office (US)

Phuncz wrote:

Dwight owns all. Even Jim was funny, just not this season because Pam is just a major control freak.

Quad Desk big_smile THE HALPERT IS BACK !



Re: The Office (US)

- If you want to find your leads, go to the man who never breeds.
- Kevin!



8 (edited by xrnzaaas 2010-03-26 22:03:10)

Re: The Office (US)

Something I don't quite understand about the opening of episode 6x20... why would they all suddenly start doing push ups? I can understand the accounting team but the sales team? Can't they now make more money if they work harder? Or, if they don't want to work at all, can't they be like Creed? wink

So are the screenwriters lazy or am I missing something?

Thankfully the rest of the episode was above average (Date Mike big_smile).



Re: The Office (US)

Michael is the worst person in the world to keep secrets. big_smile



Re: The Office (US)

he can't and won't keep secrets smile


11 (edited by xrnzaaas 2010-05-07 22:09:46)

Re: The Office (US)

Man, this show wouldn't exist without Dwight. Sooo many hilarious scenes in one episode... can't decide what I liked best - Morse code or him as a master of seduction. big_smile



Re: The Office (US)

michael: why would i do that when i can pay 5 cents for a worm and catch the fish myself..

creed: youre paying too much for worms, who's your worm guy??


Re: The Office (US)

Instant classic by Michael Scott - If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, bin Laden and Toby I would shoot Toby twice. big_smile



Re: The Office (US)

WOOF! big_smile Good season finale. smile Can't wait for Holly's return. smile



Re: The Office (US)

Yeah great episode ! Still one of the best sitcoms !


16 (edited by xrnzaaas 2010-09-24 21:35:45)

Re: The Office (US)

I could watch Jenna Fisher bouncing around all day. big_smile

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxtJoGdujYo smile



Re: The Office (US)

The last 20 sec, was EPIC.....

18 (edited by xrnzaaas 2010-10-01 21:51:32)

Re: The Office (US)

I've always wondered how they came up with the name Alf.  lol This episode showed that Michael and Toby should have been given more scenes together in the past. smile



Re: The Office (US)

xrnzaaas wrote:

I've always wondered how they came up with the name Alf.  lol This episode showed that Michael and Toby should have been given more scenes together in the past. smile

So I take it that you haven't seen ALF. Because they explain the name in the very first episode wink

...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: The Office (US)

Nope, I haven't. smile



Re: The Office (US)

Yes but not off of Dwight's airtime, he's brilliant !



Re: The Office (US)

Law & Order episode by Michael Scott was hilarious.  lol



Re: The Office (US)

It was brilliant when Dwight pulled his knife at the start of the episode, typical but hilarious !



Re: The Office (US)

best one ever, when pam's boyfriend finds out about jim. and then dwight sprays him with mace, then he sits there crying his eyes out all proud n stuff how he is the protector of the office.

"Au naturel maybe, thats the way i like it. Swing low, sweet chariots." Creed Bratton


Re: The Office (US)

Oh, geez. What a crappy Christmas episode. Dwight terrorizing Jim was the only thing that kept me going. hmm
