Topic: 2x01
Srsly?... no one commented on this ep yet?
Hmm. Well, I thought it was awesome. I particularly liked Jamie Bamber doing his own english accent. (And "Helo" getting to be in a fight with "Apollo" )
You are not logged in. Please login or register. 2x01Forums - Next Episode → Dollhouse → 2x01 Posts: 12Topic: 2x01Srsly?... no one commented on this ep yet? Hmm. Well, I thought it was awesome. I particularly liked Jamie Bamber doing his own english accent. (And "Helo" getting to be in a fight with "Apollo" ) Re: 2x01Yeah, it was like an Angel/Galactica reunion - Faith, Fred & Wesley with Apollo & Helo. And it was an interesting turn in the messed up relationship between Dr Saunders and Topher. Re: 2x01HomerS wrote:
Too bad - the first season started weak, the finale wasn't great, and there was a lot in this new episode that only really works if you've been watching the last season. Season 1, Episodes 5 - 11 were all amazing though - definately on-par with Angel and Buffy, although not on Firefly's level. If you don't like it, that's fair enough, but I will tell you you've managed to dodge all the good bits. Can't say this episode was as good as it could have been, except for the Saunders/Topher interaction, which worked really well. Re: 2x01What do you mean by the finale? Epitaph One, was brilliant! Re: 2x01Mxyzptlk wrote:
Epitaph One doesn't count as the official finale since you could only get it through download or buying the DVDs, so the season 1 finale was Omega. Re: 2x01Mxyzptlk wrote:
hmm... E1 was clever, and considering the production situation it stands as a good example of storytelling vs visual sensationalism, but personally it totally put any interest i had in this series (which was entirely 'joss' motivated to begin with) in the tank... i mean i just love reading the first chapter of a book, then the last... and the whole 'flash forward/maybe this will happen, maybe we can change it' is such a contrived storytelling device that is way overused in every medium these days... i just finished watching 2x01 and found myself more engaged in folding my laundry... though the topher/saunders stuff was interesting... those few scenes said more about the nature of human behaviour than the first series did... i'm going to keep watching, but it's solely motivated by the saunders stuff... i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
Re: 2x01karenbear wrote:
I know.. but it's still the finale, to me... theConundrumm wrote:
You antagonist, you! Re: 2x01I have to agree this episode didn't really do anything for me except the mentioned interaction most of you mentioned already. Hopefully more quality will come. I mean imprinting has alot of plausible outcomes and uses I don't see the writers tap all the potential this idea has. We seen a few episodes where it used for other then "Hi lets have a adventure and (kinky) sex". Anyways I'll watch where it goes with some hope yet 11 2009-09-29 07:00:53 (edited by theConundrumm 2009-09-29 07:10:36)Re: 2x01Mxyzptlk wrote:
just calling them as i see them, buddy... some mad as a hatter dame who's name escapes me (but damn did she smell nice) wrote:
i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...
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