Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

Not a Stalker wrote:

i was really anticipating the return of al bundy.  meh. and its really annoying how they have to end every episode with a cheesy family moment. It totally ruins the whole point when they do it every episode.

i like the cheesy family moment at the end. it's makes that feel good emotion.


Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

kaibren wrote:

it's makes that feel good emotion.

this feels good emotion is dangerous. it makes you soft and weak. and it lets women control you. soon you'll start loving Twilight and then you start reading romance books and start crying etc. etc.

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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

no, but there is a limit. if you do it all the time then its not good imo.

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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

godzionu wrote:
kaibren wrote:

it's makes that feel good emotion.

this feels good emotion is dangerous. it makes you soft and weak. and it lets women control you. soon you'll start loving Twilight and then you start reading romance books and start crying etc. etc.

"start loving twilight" big_smile

is that bad, that i yesterday watched 2 episodes of vampire diaries tongue

and i'm pretty sure that i'm controlled by woman


Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

i feel pitty for you sad

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

personal profile of karenbear:
[  ]  soft 
[  ]  weak 
[  ]  lets women control me (does my mother count?)
[  ]  love twilight 
[  ]  reads romance books
[  ]  cries

Hey niv, maybe this means you're the girl and I'm the guy.  I knew we were perfect for each other.  big_smile


Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

karenbear wrote:

personal profile of karenbear:
[x]  soft 
[  ]  weak 
[  ]  lets women control me (does my mother count?)
[  ]  love twilight 
[  ]  reads romance books
[  ]  cries
[x]  Likes Pokemon
[x]  President of the Britney Spears fan club

Hey niv, maybe this means you're the girl and I'm the guy.  I knew we were perfect for each other.  big_smile

hey there's no need to lie so i fixed it for you. and you can take me out to dinner and that'd be quite nice. you can buy me a burrito and some beans and rice. But that's not gonna take you to pants paradise. they call it a fly because it takes you up to heaven OH YEAH!


Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

personal profile of ME:
soft                               [x](define soft big_smile )
weak                             [x]
lets women control me    [x]
love twilight                   [  ]
reads romance books     [  ]
cries                             [  ]


Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

paisley1 wrote:

Why don't you just watch Estonian TV then you hypocrite, so you have no reason to complain.

i'm sorry but i don't watch TV.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

Just watch the pilot niv wink It's only 20 minutes.



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

Pff, whateva tongue



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

nivalis wrote:

i refuse! tongue

stay strong!!!

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

- Sorri, sorri!
- That's ok. lol

And Phil's scenes with him selling the house were hilarious. smile



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

"I won't play "True" for someone whose False!" big_smile



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

stupidly boring episode. only Elizabeth Banks's boobs were great.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

godzionu wrote:

only Elizabeth Banks's boobs were great.

Damn it! And to think I'll have to wait until I return from work. sad



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

ohh sorry if i spoiled it for you.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

No problem, I just can't wait until the afternoon because I'm slowly getting addicted to MF. big_smile



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

MF? Mother F****r?

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

That too. wink (especially Debra swearing on Dexter all the time big_smile)



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

paisley1 wrote:

somehow managed to get outside before Hayley??  haaa

Probably experience big_smile



Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

its a hollywood tv show. in hollywood everything is possible. or anything.

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

a show that i havent seen? wooot. i must investigate

Hi my name is Ina and I have an addiction... To tv shows <3 Also add me on snapchat at inav4e


Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

InaFina wrote:

a show that i havent seen? wooot. i must investigate

you see every show?

"Avenge Me."
"Judgment Day is inevitable."
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Re: Modern Family (1x01 - 2x05)

paisley1 wrote:

Edward Norton was hilarious, so was Jay...spray bottled Manny in the face, and somehow managed to get outside before Hayley??  haaa

ROTFL I didn't recognize Edward Norton until I read your post. big_smile

Good episode IMO and Jay's "teleportation" was hilarious. smile
