Topic: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

DAMN what a nice Episode that was.....

Kept me wondering the whole time if Echo would really get them all out...
I should've seen the twist coming though....

Anyway, the show still keeps getting better week by week...


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

Dumbass show, I don't know why I'm still watching...but still every saturday I tune in.

...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

Well, then it can't be that bad Daemonius wink

Good episode, I agree. Give the dolls some closure to avoid memory glitches, nice idea. But I hope Echo still has a weird feeling and some glitches about the whole situation or we would be where the show started in the beginning.

4 (edited by Changer 2009-04-05 17:31:10)

Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

What was dramatically cool about this episode was that they used a clever plot device to establish and make us actually care about the doll characters, who up until now have been complete cyphers. Now we know a bit more, about who they are emotionally, on a deep level, which makes us a care a bit more about them.


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

Oh come on Paisley1, beta blockers have been used for years for hypertension and apart from some very VERY rare claims of short term memory loss, we dont have millions of people wandering around in a zombie like state forgetting who they are. A quick google search shows that in a mere 7 clinical trials they have over 340 000 patient years of data... from 7 studies!!

Did you read the study design? 60 people, very small sample size, How were the subject divided into groups? Was it double Blind? Was there an exclusion criteria for arachnophobia?

The results showed a reduction in how startled people were when they were on a drug that I quote

" The usefulness of these medications rests on their ability to block the effects of a nervous system transmitter chemical known as norepinephrine and the related "fight-or-flight" hormone epinephrine"

So the drugs mode of action is to slightly suppress your ability to be startled in the first place. Or to put it another way your fear response is controlled by norepinephrine, which this drug suppresses so of course they pts taking the drug have a diminished fear response.

They retook the test the next day and showed diminished response still. Well which Beta Blocker were they on? What is the elimination half life of the molecule? Essentially virtually no once per day drug is completely eliminated in 24 hours especially drugs for hypertension.

This study is a complete joke and has no scientific validity whatsoever... its crappy pulp journalism at its worst to pick it up and not do any investigation into it.

paisley1 wrote:

For those who watch Dollhouse for more than just the action and hotties, the show parallel's the idea of mind control and what's going on in the pharmaceutical world right now, with the drug that allows people to forget bad memories.

Can anyone explain to me why pharmaceutical companies are made out to be so evil? They provide medications that save peoples lives and have significantly extended our lifespan yet are looked down upon with more derision than cigarette, alcohol and fast food companies that are directly responsible for thousands if not millions of deaths per year....


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

paisley1 wrote:

It's just a parallel, not a slam.

That was only one example of technological mind control, but I do find it hilarious that you are so passionate about how pharmaceutical companies are being slammed by poopular media (lol).  It's fine for the media to raise the issue of ethics, like in Dollhouse, which I think Echo made abundantly clear this last episode, but I think slamming companies is more for shows like Boston Legal, you know, that have a blatant liberal bias.

The other companies everyone already knows destroy you, like cigarettes, alcohol and fast food, and so it would be redundant to bring it up, that's why.

ha ha yeah it is a raw nerve for me, i work in the industry.... I do laugh at myself all the time for getting a little over enthusiastic about defending it, but the point still stands.... big pharma companies are always being portrayed as evil..... but imagine a world without even anti-biotics

... thats evil


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

Oh and i didn't mean to come off at you paisley1, i re-read what i wrote and could have been a bit clearer.

I meant it more at the media... sloppy sensationalist journalism that they know will be accepted at face value by the general public just irritates the hell out of me.

That's right, mislead the public for the sake of ratings... how ethical


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

paisley1 wrote:

One thing that bothers me about the show is that they don't get into the science of how they wipe erase someones brain,

Although, Topher did say that it had something to do with "stimulation via fluorescent or phosphorescent light" blablabla... something...


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

Changer wrote:
paisley1 wrote:

One thing that bothers me about the show is that they don't get into the science of how they wipe erase someones brain,

Although, Topher did say that it had something to do with "stimulation via fluorescent or phosphorescent light" blablabla... something...

That was a joke wink




Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

I'm kinda hoping that it's some funky alien tech. Don't get too much aliens these days, but I guess that would be too much of a 90s move. Would be cool though for the total left-field unexpectedness. tongue  Vote Alien!


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

Funny how if you read the title of this topic too quickly it seems that this topic needs more spoilers...

...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: 1x08 - Needs *SPOiLERS!!!!!*

proteinnerd wrote:

Can anyone explain to me why pharmaceutical companies are made out to be so evil? They provide medications that save peoples lives and have significantly extended our lifespan yet are looked down upon with more derision than cigarette, alcohol and fast food companies that are directly responsible for thousands if not millions of deaths per year....

I would compare the pharmaceutical companies and medication to tv studios and tv shows. You would think that the studios produce very good tv shows just for your entertainment and make sure you get the best written show as long as the story goes. But in fact they don't care if the show is good or if you are entertained, you just get what makes the most money for them. So basically you get bad reality tv and the good shows get canceled. The same way the pharmaceutical companies invent very good meds and sell them for extraordinary prices, if you can buy them at all. But you get the crappy old meds still for high prices even if a better med could be produced and sold for a cheaper price.
