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- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
yeah, if you keep getting 50% closer to something, you never can reach it. The point behind it is that we really don't know why we are able to do anything...that science doesn't ever explain 'why'. Science is just the observance of 'how' things happen, but not 'why' they happen that way. It's like math...there's no reason why 2 + 2 ='s just something you have to get used to, because that's how math works. -Rob
- BlackBox
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
That was really a short response
- z1rra
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
that wasn't
- Mxyzptlk
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
paisley1 wrote:Note: Before you start hammering through this, can you read through everything and answer the questions posed? Our answers are very broken up, like you said, so I think we should move into a limited “question answer” style of dialogue, because there is too much to go through, and topics become incomplete and dissociative for our purposes.
There’s nothing holding me to nonduality as being true, is all I’m getting at. It’s reasonable and authentic to view reality in dualistic terms. Nondualism simply poses that there is this higher reality that we don’t realize until we’ve become one with it. Like I said a long time back, you’d have to go to the real world, outside of the matrix if you will, and come back to our reality, to place any truth claims on it actually existing. To me, nonduality is just speculation and not necessarily so. From a philosophic standpoint, I take Occam’s razor that “plurality should not be posited without necessity.” It’s not necessarily true, that’s all I’m getting at. There is no basis/context/category/class within which conflict dissolves, as that is just believing delusion. As far as Luke 23:34, while on the cross Jesus asks the father to forgive his enemies, Jesus is praying for his enemies, and before you know it, one of the criminals recognizes who Jesus is, and asks to be remembered when he dies, the criminal recognizes his sin, and Jesus tells the criminal that he will be with him in paradise! The intention was for them to recognize their sins, and come to Christ for forgiveness, and it happens. The point is that they didn’t recognize their sin, and the spirit moves within one of the criminals and he was saved! Sin is only recognized as sin, by those who realize they have broken the law of God and can not meet up to his requirement, and are in need of saving. God’s word and his requirement condemns us, and because of that we are convicted of our sin towards God and our separation from God. People suppress the truth of God’s word, by saying there is no God, so they can live in their sin and feel justified in disobedience. Only under the light of the Spirit do people recognize their sin and come to repentance. Sin can be recognized, we are not always ignorant of what it is! Christ uses the word that was written, because he says, that man should not live by bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God. Jesus is referring to the Old Testament, because the word that was written and what God would say, are one and the same. Jesus quotes the Old Testament Bible to authenticate that the Bible and God the Father are one and the same. Secondly, Christ was not talking to a Jew or even a physical entity, but talking to Satan himself, a spiritual being. Christ was not talking to Jews, and so your point of it being intended for them at the time it was said becomes inert. Something for you to think about. Where is Christ’s intention then, if he was speaking to Satan not Jews? Wouldn’t Satan know even more that the word is true, as he was the leader of the angels before he fell from grace and was cast out? The trinity, God, has three centers of consciousness, just like I have one center of consciousness. God, doesn’t have any more or any less, only three centers of consciousness or three personhoods. Christ is not under the sovereignty of Truth, Christ IS Truth. He dictates the terms of truth. A saviour by definition saves you from something, however someone forcing you to walk a path, has not saved you from anything. You are still caught in a state of disconnect and in Christian terms not within right relation. Christ set all humanity, if they choose, within right relation to God, regardless of our production level of spiritual fruit, regardless of path. You’ve simply described a religious teacher, not a saviour. Buddha is not a saviour, he did not save humanity from anything, and did not guarantee nirvana for anyone. Showing a path does not set you free from anything. Saving you from something you were unaware of is the work of a saviour. Did Buddha save you from your karma? No. Christ saves you from your karma before God, not Buddha. Salvation IS in opposition to enlightenment! That is the whole point man. Salvation is a rescue attempt that you didn’t realize you were in need of. Enlightenment is based on YOUR effort and YOUR work and YOUR experience to pull YOU through something by YOURSELF. Salvation is that all the work and all the experience is done by someone else, and you just have to recognize it. You don’t need to work or experience anything, it’s already been done for you. How is that enlightenment? Are you enlightened? Salvation is not taught in Buddhism, because in Buddhism there is nothing to really be saved from. Are you saved from your karma? No. Enlightenment in Buddhism is akin to Glorification in Christianity. Salvation leads to glorification without effort. In Buddhism, blowing out the flame of desire leads to enlightenment. In one faith there is works for enlightenment, in the other, there is grace through faith for future glorification. If enlightenment is now salvation in your eyes, than from what do you need to be saved? What is the purpose of your faith, and to what end? Are you saved from ignorance? Than show me how you are now perfect and in a perfect body? Progressive salvation is no salvation at all, that’s just another name for working off a debt, as though it’s not been paid. In that sense, I am then enlightened, because I am saved from the penalty and wages of sin. Jesus did not go out and directly say at first, “Here I am, the Son of God, believe in me and you will find heaven” as Jesus spoke in parables because men were blinded to the truth because of religiosity. As well, he wanted authenticate belief, not belief that was forced or manipulated. The Kingdom of God is a group of people who acknowledge their fallen nature (their sin) and worship God. This man that Jesus was talking to thought that the kingdom of God was something constructed, rather than an allegiance to the right understanding of God. Suffering ≠ sin Suffering = physical pain Sin = Not measuring up to God’s law or standard at all times throughout your life. To die to our selves is due to the sinful nature, to live according to the Spirit and not the flesh or sinful nature. Far from removing sin, Christ recognizes what sin really is and Paul tells us to live according to the Spirit not to the sinful nature. Suffering is not sin, suffering is just physical pain. Paul tells us to rejoice in our sufferings, not to extinguish them, to recognize them as purposeful and meaningful, not purposeless and meaningless, reality not delusion. Suffering is by no means sin. Sin is in relation to God and His law, suffering is in relation to our physical bodies. Suffering either points to living according to God’s law or according to the flesh. We could be honoring God by suffering for his cause according to the Spirit like Paul writes, or dishonoring God by suffering because of the adverse affects of sinning and not living according to the Spirit and God’s purposes. Far from considering suffering as delusion, God says it is a reality of living according to the Spirit and living against the Spirit. Suffering is simply an indicator of pain. God tests Job and causes Job nothing but pain and God found favor in Job as Job was living according to God and Job was righteous. God tested Job, and Job’s faithfulness won out, just as God foreknew. Recognizing the truth (reality not manifest) doesn’t dissolve the pain or suffering, it’s just a reality. If you punched someone in the face they will feel suffering, ie, physical pain, emotional pain, social pain, all around human pain. This has nothing to do with what sin is. In self defense, you could punch someone, to stop them from killing you, and that is not sin. You could fight a war for your own country, but you are not murdering anyone, you are protecting yourself from getting killed by them. The Kingdom of God is not a construction site, it is an allegiance to the right understanding of God consisting of a group of people who do so. Salvation by grace through faith in Christ. Again, “YOU” verifying truth as truth, seems highly speculative and self centered, because you are fallen, and in my worldview, you can not verify truth on your own, you need an outside source. You are too fallen to place your own recognition of truth claims onto what truth is. Only God can verify truth, you are too fallen to do such a thing. There lies the rub; the divergence between our understandings of truth. Your perception from the start distorts the truth. Your actions are simply a result of your knowledge, so what makes your actions or experience somehow greater than your knowledge? There is far more room for delusion within a framework of, “I’m going to figure it all out on my own and verify it on my own” than “I’m going to accept what God says of himself in the scriptures.” If your compass is self, then I’d say there’s no room for the Spirit in your experiences. Either you are dedicated to God or you are dedicated to self. One precludes the other. If you are saying you and God are synonymous, than that is just self-deification and you are essentially saying you are already perfect and not in need of anything spiritual, because you already are. The Christian would say their life and experiences are in service to God and to stand up for the King, not for your own experiences and your own selfish desires to find out what truth is. In my opinion, you’re just going to be more and more deluded as time goes on in such thinking, always having more questions than answers, and always coming up short in your attempts at finding truth and living according to what that truth will eventually require of you. Circling the right answer, yet never having it. Like you said, truth never manifest. No relationship with God in its intention, only on self and self experience. I’ve never earned purity through repentance; I’ve accepted purity through repentance. Christ earned the purity, I’ve only accepted it through Him. Christ has the glory, not me. It’s like you’re saying I am taking credit for a battle that I didn’t fight. Christ fought the battle and won it for me and on my behalf. I do not take credit for that. Why is “the extent of that choice (free will) given up to the universe we were created into” somehow logically fallacious? In what way have I drawn a married bachelor? That is simply reality. We have free choice, under choices that we can make for or against something under the ceteris paribus of the universe. God does not control our minds to think and to act according to what he wants, we are free creatures. We are not out of time or out of our bodies to make choices beyond the universe, sorry. lol. We do not live outside of the real world as in a reality not manifest. Again, I’d still maintain your reason for lying is not based on ignorance, but a desire to suppress the truth that comes from our fallen sinful nature wanting to get away from a present difficulty. Thinking of everything in terms of a future glory is correct, so that we don’t lie, sure. However, you confuse terms. Yes, we are ignorant of God’s relationship that he wants with us and with each other and ignorant of that reality, but once aspects of that reality are made known to us, like knowing that lying is not within the bounds of that relationship, and we disobey anyway we are not ignorant of God’s intended relationship, we are simply acting against it for our own purposes which is sin, not ignorance. Ignorance is not an action, sin can be action. Ignorance is ONLY mind based and knowledge based, not action based, wheras sin is both. Like I said, we can know full well when we sin. When we have knowledge of truth, sin is a choice. If you are always ignorant of truth, what is the point in trying to live accordingly? What is the point? Here’s what I see you saying all the time Robcore. Why do we act against what we know is truth? Ignorance. Ignorant of what? That life is a delusion in light of a not manifest reality. What is that reality? Not known unless we experience our delusion. ???? How can we know an ultimate reality by living in a delusion? What breaks us from our delusion? Wouldn’t experiencing more of the delusion, leads us to simply become more deluded? Dualism, breaks us from the delusion, nondualism immerses us into more delusion. If you improperly use the word “ignorance” to mean a fallen nature that hinders our ability to live up to God’s standard, than that is true, but why improperly use a word? Just call it sin or say to the whole phrase, ignorance of a not manifest reality. What I’ve taken from you is that you’ve basically accepted EVERYTHING that Buddha has taught to be true, and not discarded ANY of it as being false, and then tried to insert every other faith as having half truths on an ultimate reality that supports buddhism. Why do you accept nonduality so openly and with such affirmation? What makes it truer than duality? What makes experience more important than knowledge? What makes what your experiences teach, to be true? How do you know if your experiences have taught you a lie? Christ certainly did not teach that you are by nature not sinful. Is Christ now a liar, or, no wait, he just didn’t mean to say that or it was said to the Jews and they would only understand that “for the wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life”, but what he really meant was that no one is sinful. ????? With such thinking I’m reminded of SG-1 ep 200, “First, that’s Star Trek, and second, it’s ridiculous.” I probably missed out on a lot because of these mammoth posts. “Believes in someone” is the intention of the word used in the original Greek, and so YES, it makes a HUGE difference in context, of what is to be LOVED. Believe in others, not in all things. Yes, willing to believe the best in you, of course. All of those translations mean the same thing, it’s just YOU do not understand it as such. Ask any Christian the intention of that passage, and they’ll tell you that we aren’t supposed to believe in every philosophy. The intention is on the one in whom is being believed, in all those translations, not belief in all things. Again, you are simply reading into the text, not out of, the text. Dismissing invalid arguments hardly constitutes lovelessness, but charity for the sake of argumentation. They spoke Aramaic but wrote in Greek and some Aramaic words had to be transliterated, also the early church fathers accepted the Greek without a hint of reservation, as it was what was written during the time. Do you think there is going to be some HUGE differentiation between manuscripts that were translated either one from the other, during the time? Hardly. What has more historical accuracy and integrity, “The Iliad and the Odyssey” or “The Bible”. There seems to be a fairly large margin of misunderstanding of the Bible when reading into the text, not out of the text. Sin definitely condemns us, you don’t feel great in light of God’s will, about your sin, you feel guilty, ashamed, and condemned, but it definitely does not glorify us. I don’t know what kind of sick twisted thinking (maybe the joker) would feel glorified by doing sin? It definitely does not glorify us, and it definitely condemns us. What is a debt that can not be paid? Uplifting and relieving? No! It’s Condemning! That is what sin is. I say “For those who believe”, in that you are a free creature, this salvation is not forced, it is free for you to decide whether you want or not. Conditional in that you aren’t bound to accept it, and unconditional in that it doesn’t exclude you from it’s ability, but you can only have it if you accept it. You can’t have what you don’t accept; you can’t take what you don’t want. Once you’ve got a 99%, you are forever guilty of sin, and can not aspire to be blameless by your own works. You can not save yourself after you get a 99%. You need to accept what Christ did on the cross and choose that payment in order to be forgiven for your 99%, your falling short. In your last point you deny that you’ve ever done anything right or wrong, then why do you choose one thing over another, what makes your actions of moral worth, there would be no karma, because you never did anything wrong if that is the case. You didn’t answer any of these questions: What is YOUR standard? How do YOU know what is morally right in the first place and why should YOU choose to live accordingly? What is the motivation for YOU to choose to aspire to live morally? I’ll just keep asking until you answer, rather than letting you dodge the question. If I’ve missed anything, please let me know, and ask outright, just like I prefaced.
- z1rra
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
that's called cheating, mxy
- Robcore
- The Philosopher
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
okay, I'm going to try to pare it down, as per your request:
It’s reasonable and authentic to view reality in dualistic terms.
Absolutely. Reason is dualistic...reason and causality are one and the same. Truth is instantaneous, complete, all-encompassing. Reason is not. Reason is the dissection of the components of naturally, reason is dualistic. Truth is not. Truth is timeless, nonlocal, and unchanging. Reason shifts with context, time, perception, understanding, etc. To me, nonduality is just speculation and not necessarily so. From a philosophic standpoint, I take Occam’s razor that “plurality should not be posited without necessity.”
Nonduality is actually the opposite of plurality, lol. This is partly why you don't find me claiming a particular standard for my view, because nonduality does not permit one apart from reality, as that would be dualistic, to have a reality and a standard for belief that were separate(dualistic). It’s not necessarily true, that’s all I’m getting at. There is no basis/context/category/class within which conflict dissolves, as that is just believing delusion.
Conflict is perception. In a hard science context(excluding soft sciences like psychology), there is no conflict...only impact. Intention and conflict are projections and inferences. The roots of the tree are not in conflict with the soil that they are growing in. When everything is viewed as the perfect expression of that which it is (yes, the criminal is the perfect expression of his own criminal-ness), then there is no conflict. Reality is not divided against itself. The trinity, God, has three centers of consciousness, just like I have one center of consciousness. God, doesn’t have any more or any less, only three centers of consciousness or three personhoods.
If God has 3 distinct personhoods, what makes God a trinity any more than 3 people? to be One and 3, there must be both some form of distinction that is not apparent in other groups of 3, and some manner of distinction that is apparent. What is a 'center of consciousness' anyway? is it in your brain? somehow localized in your body? what happens to it when your body dies? A saviour by definition saves you from something, however someone forcing you to walk a path, has not saved you from anything. You are still caught in a state of disconnect and in Christian terms not within right relation. Christ set all humanity, if they choose, within right relation to God, regardless of our production level of spiritual fruit, regardless of path. You’ve simply described a religious teacher, not a saviour. Buddha is not a saviour, he did not save humanity from anything, and did not guarantee nirvana for anyone. Showing a path does not set you free from anything. Saving you from something you were unaware of is the work of a saviour. Did Buddha save you from your karma? No. Christ saves you from your karma before God, not Buddha. Salvation IS in opposition to enlightenment! That is the whole point man. Salvation is a rescue attempt that you didn’t realize you were in need of. Enlightenment is based on YOUR effort and YOUR work and YOUR experience to pull YOU through something by YOURSELF. Salvation is that all the work and all the experience is done by someone else, and you just have to recognize it. You don’t need to work or experience anything, it’s already been done for you. How is that enlightenment? Are you enlightened? Salvation is not taught in Buddhism, because in Buddhism there is nothing to really be saved from. Are you saved from your karma? No. Enlightenment in Buddhism is akin to Glorification in Christianity. Salvation leads to glorification without effort. In Buddhism, blowing out the flame of desire leads to enlightenment. In one faith there is works for enlightenment, in the other, there is grace through faith for future glorification. If enlightenment is now salvation in your eyes, than from what do you need to be saved? What is the purpose of your faith, and to what end? Are you saved from ignorance? Than show me how you are now perfect and in a perfect body? Progressive salvation is no salvation at all, that’s just another name for working off a debt, as though it’s not been paid. In that sense, I am then enlightened, because I am saved from the penalty and wages of sin.
Salvation is NOT the same as enlightenment. Salvation is a necessary prerequisite to enlightenment. Christ taught Salvation, and Buddha taught enlightenment. Also, I'm not sure why you think that enlightenment is any more due to personal effort than salvation is. Enlightenment consists in progressive surrender of negative/false positionalities, worldly attachments, and dualistic views. Salvation saves us, enlightenment perfects us...and both occur by the grace of God alone. (remember the parable of the master and his two students? it's not by effort that enlightenment is achieved, but by Grace, and surrender to God/Truth). Also, I prefer not to use the term 'glorification'. Why not simply 'improved' or 'perfected'? Glorified doesn't seem clear in have earthly and heavenly...first fruits...future glories...I'm not concerned with all that...future glorification sounds great, but right now is right now, and there's no sense in sitting here waiting for God to improve me...every second of every day is a quest to be in closer union with God, regardless of some hoped for reward in the future. Jesus did not go out and directly say at first, “Here I am, the Son of God, believe in me and you will find heaven” as Jesus spoke in parables because men were blinded to the truth because of religiosity. As well, he wanted authenticate belief, not belief that was forced or manipulated.
There is no such thing as 'authenticate belief'...authenticate belief is 'knowledge'. Belief occurs when one is persuaded/manipulated/compelled to consider something true, without knowing for sure that it is in fact true. Now, I'm not saying that Jesus was a deceiver/persuader...only that in order to be compelled, Jesus had to make a case for his incarnate Divinity. He did this in a number of appealing to what the people considered divine(scriptures) and by performing miracles. If he only did miracles, he might have been considered magical/supernatural, but not divine...and if he only appealed to scriptural accounts of divinity, then he'd be viewed as a heretic or as some strange sort of philosopher. He didn't have to authenticate his own incarnate divinity to himself...he didn't have to learn about God through the scriptures in order to know God's will...he is God incarnate as man! All the rest of it was for the benefit of the people. Suffering ≠ sin Suffering = physical pain Sin = Not measuring up to God’s law or standard at all times throughout your life.
Suffering happens because of sin. Suffering is not exclusively physical either...there is mental, physical, emotional and spiritual suffering. Mere desire is a form of suffering as it consists in a sense of lacking. Not measuring up to God's law or standard at all times throughout your life happens due to ignorance. Also, are you the same you as you were a few days ago? How long is life? and how long is the life of my former self? If I change, what is more 'me'? the old self, or the current self? At all times in my life once I have learned the error of my ways and once I have turned from that error, I am not the same personhood that partook in that error. Once I have been shown the way to truth via revelation of my errors, I am a new person, without the burden of the past sin. The Kingdom of God is not a construction site, it is an allegiance to the right understanding of God consisting of a group of people who do so. Salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
The kindom of God is within you? do we have people in us? Again, “YOU” verifying truth as truth, seems highly speculative and self centered, because you are fallen, and in my worldview, you can not verify truth on your own, you need an outside source. You are too fallen to place your own recognition of truth claims onto what truth is. Only God can verify truth, you are too fallen to do such a thing. There lies the rub; the divergence between our understandings of truth. Your perception from the start distorts the truth.
Ahh, but I think we agree on what you've written above...only that I disagree that you rely on anything but your own perception. You think that right interpretation of the bible is not perception? it is! you're relying completely on yourself for verifying your own hold the bible to be authority(your perception) and you act according to that perception, and you use that perception to verify things. I agree that God is the only authority...but I also believe that an experiential relationship is required in order to actually be able to perceive God's authority. A purely theoretical relationship(where the guidance and theory of the bible is taken to be 'knowledge') is a construct of a relationship...not an actual relationship. I mean, surely you're not completely're an integrous person, obviously...and you don't deny all of your experiences as being trustworthy, do you? I mean, you've spoken about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in you...and I hope that you don't doubt the experience of that indwelling against the letter of the bible.... Your actions are simply a result of your knowledge, so what makes your actions or experience somehow greater than your knowledge? There is far more room for delusion within a framework of, “I’m going to figure it all out on my own and verify it on my own” than “I’m going to accept what God says of himself in the scriptures.”
Equal room for delusion in both cases. You do not accept the possibility that the scriptures are not 100% correct/accurate... I accept the possibility of my delusion(in fact, I'm sure that i hold incorrect views), and that is a great defense against being deluded. You do not think that the bible as you perceive it could possibly lead you've taken a stubborn view of God. You'd trust less in the appearance of God before you than you do in the bible, because you are so averse to trusting in experience. Also, actions are not the result of knowledge...they are the result of how we apply meaning to information....again, that is not knowledge. Experience potentiates knowledge more than the gathering of information does. You can accumulate all sorts of data about what it is like to go sky-diving, but without experience none of that data can amount to a true knowledge of sky-diving. You know about it, but you do not know it. If your compass is self, then I’d say there’s no room for the Spirit in your experiences. Either you are dedicated to God or you are dedicated to self. One precludes the other.
If Spirit is the compass, then self has to act on it. If you say you're not dedicated to yourself, you're deluded. What do you care whether you go to heaven or not except for the projected pleasure that your self will get from it? from the future glory that you get from believing in Christ? Your dedication to God comes entirely out of a dedication to yourself. If you weren't dedicated to yourself, you'd have no motivation for being dedicated to God. It's not a one or the other doing what is truly best for God, we do what is truly best for ourselves, and vice versa...why do you insist that one must preclude the other? If you are saying you and God are synonymous, than that is just self-deification
No. Let's define what self-deification is: self-deification is where one claims to be/have the power of God, while remaining separate from God. To truly be One with God is not self-deification, as there remains nothing that wasn't already divine that could possibly be deified. To understand what is meant by unity/oneness in a nondualistic context, you can't forget the nondualistic aspect. God was and always is be one with God is like a raindrop falling in the loses all verifiable separateness from the ocean. and you are essentially saying you are already perfect and not in need of anything spiritual, because you already are.
everything is the perfect expression of that which it is. A sapling is not an imperfect tree; it is a perfect sapling. To become the tree, the sapling needs nourishment....just as the perfect current expression of what I am still requires spiritual nourishment to become what it is destined to perfectly become. To be 'fallen' I'd have had to have been 'up' somewhere previously. I don't recall ever being up, so it's really of no interest to me whether I'm fallen or main concern is in the getting back up. Like you said, truth never manifest.
I never said that. Why is “the extent of that choice (free will) given up to the universe we were created into” somehow logically fallacious? In what way have I drawn a married bachelor? That is simply reality. We have free choice, under choices that we can make for or against something under the ceteris paribus of the universe. God does not control our minds to think and to act according to what he wants, we are free creatures.
How do you choose? If you base your choices on anything, the choice is not is caused in deterministic fashion, just like everything else in your deterministic billiard-ball world. If you experience a 'weighing-of-options' it is merely the two external forces acting against one another, and the more powerful force always wins, and you think you have made a free choice. In a deterministic world, free will requires that choices are not based on anything. If they are based on something, they are not free, but rather, an extension of the deterministic causation that was set in motion by the 'first cause'. Again, I’d still maintain your reason for lying is not based on ignorance, but a desire to suppress the truth that comes from our fallen sinful nature wanting to get away from a present difficulty.
And that desire to suppress the truth comes from an ignorance which says that in the context of the present difficulty, the choice to suppress truth is better than the choice not to. Even if you come to instantly regret it afterward, you sin due to ignorance.
we are not ignorant of God’s intended relationship, we are simply acting against it for our own purposes which is sin, not ignorance.
We're ignorant that the intended relationship with God is ALWAYS preferable. Sin is due to ignorance. Here’s what I see you saying all the time Robcore. Why do we act against what we know is truth? Ignorance. Ignorant of what?
Ignorance of truth. Perhaps not ignorance of 'thou shalt not lie', but of other relevant factors pertaining to the situation...ignorance of long term vs. short term benefits for example...ignorance of the unconscious lies that we've been telling ourselves long before we ever learned that lying is wrong.
That life is a delusion in light of a not manifest reality.
life vs. Life. truth(relative) vs. Truth(absolute). Perception is delusion in varying degrees. The manifest and the unmanifest are even one and the same in nonduality.
Truth/God/Reality/The Supreme/The Absolute...our perception of these things is not reality, just like perception of a cat is not a cat. Truth is verifiable only by identity with it, not by knowing about it.
Not known unless we experience our delusion. ???? How can we know an ultimate reality by living in a delusion? What breaks us from our delusion? Wouldn’t experiencing more of the delusion, leads us to simply become more deluded?
When one is happy, there is no checklist against which one must verify that one is happy. Happiness is experiential. What breaks us from delusion is salvation(one cannot tell that they are deluded when they are deluded, thus, they require intervention). Once one has been made aware of delusion(saved), then comes the challenge/opportunity of seeing through 'illusions'(basically, delusions that one is not invested in/that one does not subscribe to as reality)...basically, the path to enlightenment. Once one has salvation, they're saved...and following the path to enlightenment is not a requirement but an opportunity. I can remain fallen once I'm saved, as Christ has ensured that 'saved' status for me....or I can accept salvation, and then work at addressing what led to being fallen in the first place.
Dualism, breaks us from the delusion, nondualism immerses us into more delusion.
Dualism does not break us from delusion. Dualism is what is responsible for our inability to tell appearance from essence(what we think is true, from what is actually true). Nondualism does not immerse us in more delusion, because nondualistically, delusion is the absence of truth, not its opposite...nonduality in its purest sense consists in no possibility for falsity. Dualism is expressed in varying degrees...and at the level of reason, it is seen as truth VS. an ongoing battle. Nondualistically, there is no falsity to fight against as the darkness is entirely vanquished by the Presence of the Light/God. What I’ve taken from you is that you’ve basically accepted EVERYTHING that Buddha has taught to be true, and not discarded ANY of it as being false, and then tried to insert every other faith as having half truths on an ultimate reality that supports buddhism. Why do you accept nonduality so openly and with such affirmation? What makes it truer than duality?
I thought that I mentioned some aspects of Buddhist teaching that I consider to be a mistranslation/skewed teaching? in my last post, about the Buddha's teaching of finding the space between thoughts in meditation? In any case, there are plenty of explanations. Firstly, you don't seem to be at all familiar with Buddhist scriptures...only with generalized ideas about what Buddhism is. Thus, I've had no reason to express concern about them as they've not been the subject of any debate here. Secondly, Buddhism doesn't have such rigid requirements for belief in the absolute truth of scriptures as they don't have the same sort of 'canon' literature in the sense that Christianity does. There are definitely classics of Buddhism...but buddhism itself is about transcending belief systems in favor of Truth itself. Also, not all of Christianity is the teaching of Jesus...there are a lot of prophets that paint widely different pictures of what God is, so I feel the need to exercize great caution in wading through the bible. etc. etc. etc. Nonduality in fact, is more central to Hindu philosophy than Buddhist, though there is a tremendous deal of overlap between the two. In any case, I accept nonduality, as I believe there is only One Truth, which can explain the entirety of existence...I do not believe that there are other forces that can compete with Truth(duality), but that we are able to perceive the absence of Truth, which we generally term 'falsity'. Christ certainly did not teach that you are by nature not sinful. Is Christ now a liar, or, no wait, he just didn’t mean to say that or it was said to the Jews and they would only understand that “for the wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life”, but what he really meant was that no one is sinful. ?????
I don't think we are without possibility for change, either sinful, or not sinful. We may be sinful, but we can turn away from that. He who has turned from sin is free from death...he gets eternal life. That's basically the theory of reincarnation/rebirth too. I probably missed out on a lot because of these mammoth posts. “Believes in someone” is the intention of the word used in the original Greek, and so YES, it makes a HUGE difference in context, of what is to be LOVED. Believe in others, not in all things. Yes, willing to believe the best in you, of course.
And yet you think the best of me is to be sinful and deluded, and not trustworthy, and all-around incorrect? Do you really believe the best of me, or is that just a verbal nicety? They spoke Aramaic but wrote in Greek and some Aramaic words had to be transliterated, also the early church fathers accepted the Greek without a hint of reservation, as it was what was written during the time. Do you think there is going to be some HUGE differentiation between manuscripts that were translated either one from the other, during the time? Hardly.
What others believed or accepted is of little consequence...they're all fallible. And, as a matter of fact, there are some strikingly huge differentiations between aramaic and greek manuscripts. This one is probably the most jolting: NIV: Matt 27:46 46About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Lamsa edition: 46 And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said, Eli, Eli, lmana shabachthani! which means, My God, my God, for this I was kept! … _bible.htm There are some other striking differences in other areas...but yeah...big difference in the passage above. In your last point you deny that you’ve ever done anything right or wrong, then why do you choose one thing over another, what makes your actions of moral worth, there would be no karma, because you never did anything wrong if that is the case.
Karma, to repeat my extensive dissertations concerning it in our early essays, is NOT about right and wrong. Karma is about righting, and refining, and reforming. It is a matter of degrees. I choose one thing over another because that is the nature of what I have become...a thing cannot act against its own nature, after all. What I become is concordant with my degree of surrender and alignment with the Absolute Truth/God. What makes any action of moral worth is the value that we project upon it. Ultimately, it's fine if we go to hell, or if we go to heaven...the worth of either of those is in your perception. I perceive Truth as being preferrable to falsity, so I pursue it, and grow accordingly, and act according with the nature of that which I have become. What's wrong with anything outside the projected worths and values that we infer? What's wrong with going to hell if you want to go to hell? Surely God is not threatened by any happenings...there is a point where right and wrong must be surrendered in favor of the wholeness of Truth. One doesn't need to hate vanilla in order to prefer chocolate....vanilla doesn't need to be wrong in order that chocolate is right. In fact, vanilla is a necessary prerequisite to chocolate, so how can I villify it? Why blame a sapling for not being a fully grown tree? I act morally not out of aversion to wrongness, but out of attraction to rightness/Truth. You didn’t answer any of these questions: What is YOUR standard? How do YOU know what is morally right in the first place and why should YOU choose to live accordingly? What is the motivation for YOU to choose to aspire to live morally? I’ll just keep asking until you answer, rather than letting you dodge the question. If I’ve missed anything, please let me know, and ask outright, just like I prefaced.
i think the above is an adequate response to this query...though if further clarification is required on some points I'd be happy to provide. On the matter of unanswered questions though, I'm still curious what makes a personhood distinct. I also hope you don't use terms that are ambiguous to you like 'consciousness' and 'ego' to define it...unless you want to go ahead and define those as well. ...anyway, I hope I answered all of your important questions...did my best to pare it down...was only relatively successful. I'd seriously love if you'd quote the parts that you're responding to from my posts if you could, as your responses aren't always explicit on indicating just what you're trying to refute, and I have to scroll down and play the matching game. If that's too much for you, I understand though. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
paisley1 wrote:Solid 5-D, straight from the gut, like George W., a simple, no.
z1rra wrote:that's called cheating, mxy
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
for some weird reason i am starting to like Mxy posts in here
- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Okay, I'm going to just answer these questions:
How do experiences yield truth claims?
I experience that I am(experience) therefore, I exist(truth claim). I can't begin to say anything about myself unless I experience myself existing. I'm aware that experiences can be misleading, but when they are true, they are of far greater substance than mere intellectual conclusions. Nobody was ever so transformed by reading an account of a near death experience as the person who actually had it. In a way it is comparable to belief in God. As I think I mentioned before, I went to a Catholic elementary school. I did great in all our religion classes, and was good at making a case for my faith among my non-spiritual aquaintances...but underneath, I was in an existential simply didn't make sense to me that anything could exist which didn't have a beginning...I wondered how a loving God could allow so much unhappiness in the world...and I was actually more drawn to the comic-book-esque depictions of the Greek and Roman gods despite my immersion in, although I came to understand the flaws in such thinking later on in my life, it was not substantiation via intellectual or literary explanation that relieved me from my despair. One day, as I was walking back to school alone after lunch on a sunny day, I was just strolling along on a tree-walled path, enjoying the beauty in my surroundings and the only way I can describe it is as though I had literally walked into/through a was a physical sensation...warm...followed by a sense of lightness, where everything I saw afterward radiated forth an intense beauty...I knew, without any explanation save the fact of the experience, that God was real, whether He was within the grasp of my intellect or not. Sounds seemed clearer. I had inner stillness and clarity. Images seemed crisper and more vibrant, and textures were appreciated with a greater degree of subtlety....every bite of food that day was a perfect bite of food. ...perhaps not as theatrically impressive to the external viewer, but this was really my most important spiritual transformation. This is an experience that I know to be true and not delusion...and yet, I cannot confirm it in terms of the bible or any other spiritual manuscript. Even if there were a scientific explanation for it, such conditions could only have been concurrent happenings to the experience, not causal was real, and that is my truth claim. If you cannot trust in it, that's okay, because it didn't occur to you and is more or less irrelevant to your day to day existence...but it is an experience that was of far greater substance than any theoretical understanding can permit. What makes the truth claim evident?
Well, there are some things that simply cannot be quantified, and 'relevance' is one of them. We all understand what it is, in the same way that we know gravity is 'whatever it is' that keeps us stuck to the ground. 'Relevance' is a mostly subjective phenomena. What makes a truth claim evident is whatever it is that you consider relevant to being persuaded. Now, I'm sure that you consider internal consistency to be quite relevant, but even internal consistency is fallible. For example, a person with red lensed glasses sees the world with just as much consistency as one who is wearing green lensed fact, their worlds are completely consistent in themselves, though they are actually both distortions.The fundamental problem is that you cannot tell the difference between what you think is true and what is actually true. You simply cannot tell the difference. It is not at all possible to believe something and to simultaneously know that it is a falsehood. What makes anything evident? I stand by my previous statement that Truth is verifiable only by identity with it, not by knowing about it. I cannot know Cat-ness...I can only know about cats...the cat is the only one that knows the absolute truth of cat-ness(well, God and the cat). It also follows in my world view that we change the world not according to what we do, but according to what we have become. If I do good out of guilt, it's not really going to make a considerable impact...but if I do good out of love and devotion, it is far more significant...both socially and individually. The difference is the nature of that which does the deed, not the deed itself (except in 12 step programs with their 'fake it till you make it' motto). There is a difference of authority in what one is. Jesus spoke according to the power of Truth, while corrupt rhetoricians speak with force of reason. Force, as in science, is always met by counter-force, and exhausts itself...wheras power(as that of Truth) does not exhaust itself. By virtue of what it is, Truth(Power [not to be confused with social power/influence/control]) is dominating. As one grows toward the absolute, one's nature becomes more as that of power...the power of folks like Gandhi, Mother Teresa, the Saints, the Popes(some of them)...these people are aligned with Truth, exclusively, and at whatever cost(the differences in their approaches I attribute to their varied degrees of alignment with the absolute). In growing away from the absolute, our nature becomes more forceful... You could make the comparison to animals...wilder ones are more forceful, and rely on the energy of others to sustain their own existence....the more harmless, 'good' end of the spectrum has all the herbivores...they eat the tops of the grass, and then poop out to fertilize the grass...they don't exhaust life through's not their nature. They sustain it according to the essence of that which they are. You talked earlier about the perception of the path to enlightenment as being one of personal effort, when in fact, it is one of effortlessness. In alignment with God/the Absolute, by Grace one is empowered...inspired...energized. In remaining aligned with sinfulness/ignorance/being imperfect, we risk inertia, because we exhaust all our energy(sin leads to death, God leads to eternal life). So yeah, you quoted Gandhi earlier (Hate the sin, love the sinner)...and the above merely amounts to an overly elaborate paraphrasing of his advice: "Be the change you wish to see in the world". What makes falsity evident?
Truth does. We can sit in the dark forever, thinking that this is as bright as it gets...and we'll never be any the wiser until somehow, we're exposed to the light(saved?)...then we know the error of our previous perception. It's experience/growth/gracious transformation that does away with falsity. What turns your understanding, and on what authority is it determined so?
All ignorance is corrected by Truth...and by virtue of Karma, one eventually comes into contact with truth, again, and again, until it is recognized as such. What assurances do you have after you die?
Same as anybody else...that I will encounter an afterlife appropriate to the truth of what I am. If I am righteous, then heavenly-something I guess...and if not, then something in more accord with what I deserve. I trust in the righteousness of God as judge, and that he knows whether I love Him better than I do. Still lost on those, if you write nothing else, a whole discourse on that would be fun.
I was going to make a case for aramaic primacy...but meh, it'd be tedious, and I don't think you'd count any evidence I bring up as being relevant in light of the position you've already taken on the matter. I think they have a lot of information on it on the site I linked to anyway if you're inclined to get to the bottom of it. It may be of note that in the aramaic version, psalm 22 is different as well. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Well, you have a funny way recognizing truth, that is, "identity with it". It's like your mind doesn't have a say, you don't realize anything but you only experience it, and somehow out of an experience, you just know it's true, without using your mind. If you are using your mind, it's just self centered, and truth can be anything; right, wrong or indifferent to what the truth actually is. It's like knowledge is given up on the alter of experience, and still in my mind, the alter of self. As well, the faithful relationship between you and God is sacrificed and usurped as well, because authority is given over to personal experience against testimony and outside confirmation.
Well, on the road to Damascus, it wasn't the persuasion of the mind that transformed Saul/ was direct experience of Christ/God/Truth itself. The mind is highly important, but it is not reliable as a means to carry one all the way. The mind is unable to comprehend things like Love and Creativity. Thus, the mind is best employed in service of things like Creativity, Love, and God... I cannot truly know the master without actually being the master...I can know about the master...and about my relationship with the master...but to truly 'Know God' is not possible so long as one is not God Himself. Whether this is a possibility or not, I don't yet know subjectively....but at least logically, I'll not pass off 'information' as constituting 'knowledge'. No matter how much information you have about God, it is not the same as Knowing God. Without subjective verification, information is inert, meaningless and nothing more than a construct of the mind. It could just as easily be said that you sacrifice Truth and God on the altar of your own mind(not that I am saying that - only that the same could be said about holding supposed 'knowledge' so highly as you seem to....because the knowledge of man is foolishness to God - and though you may think the Bible to be the wisdom of God, you are not the bible...your understanding of the bible is man's knowledge...any knowledge you encounter, by virtue of the fact that you are just a man, is man's knowledge/the world's knowledge...and the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight...) The reason I ask these questions and make my statements is out of 1 John 4, to test the Spirit. Maybe I need to make a phone call to you, and have a visit, but in my heart through what you've discussed, the authority and sovereignty of Christ over all other teachers is removed
Well, I'll give you my answers to the test in a clear form: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God Jesus did come in the flesh(but he was not of the flesh any more than I am of the car that I drive). but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God I acknowledge Jesus. I don't acknowledge the Bible in the same way that you do...but I certainly acknowledge Jesus. This part I find interesting though... We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit[a] of truth and the spirit of falsehood. ...because by virtue of the fact that you've brought up this 'test' you're inferring that you are the one that is from God, and that one of us is from God and the other is not(because we're of such different perspectives that one of us just must be aligned with the antichrist, lol). Now, by your own admission you're a sinner, and will always be fallible up until the day of judgement/the day of your glorification before the father. So I'm not sure whether I should listen to you(since you're 'from God'), or if I should not(since you're incurably prone to sin until you die and something can be done about it).... I wonder if it's better for me to just listen to the indwellingness of God/the Spirit, since you've made such a strong case for your own fallibility. and the right Spirit is not present. The indwelling of Christ, (not a consciousness like Christ), is removed, and relationship with God, is transfered, for the sake of experiencing errant philosophy, which is of the world not of God.
Errant philosophy? is not philosophy of the mind? I'm looking to go beyond the mind! The mind is of the world/of perception....and yet you trust so firmly in trust(using your mind/your perception) in the trust in your own perception of what the indwelling of Christ means...and to me, these are qualities that are 'of the world'... And what indwelling of Christ could you be experiencing? surely his physical body is not physically inside you! what could it be but Spirit/Consciousness? It's not a physical imprint of his literal name, 'Jesus' that dwells inside you, is it? It can only be Spirit/Consciousness. If you accept Christ actually came as God incarnate (not an energy field)
umm, 'incarnate' means 'embodied in flesh'. So yes, i believe Christ(aka God/Divinity/an Energy Field/The Absolute/The Supreme/Truth) became embodied in flesh. I do not idolize that flesh, for that flesh is not'd be like saying that the wrapper is what is most valuable about the chocolate bar...that the bottle is what is most significant about the wine... fullfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament
Well, he did, but I may differ in my belief concerning his motivation for doing so. I do not believe in prophecy as being anything more than a prediction...I do not believe that they are certainties in prophecies. died on the cross for everyone's sin
I believe he died on the cross and forgives us for our sins...though I am not priveleged to know for sure if dying on the cross is specifically what enabled the undoing of our sins, since he forgave people for sinning even before his physical death. In any case, it's really immaterial....the current condition is that I may be free from condemnation because of Christ. The details of why or how that is so is how we got here, and I needn't be an authority on it...what matters is that freedom from sin is available through Christ. I'm not sure if I believe that his physical body arose again (I'm sure you've heard all the zombie Jesus jokes, lol), though I definitely believe that he appeared to the disciples after his death...whether in physical or spiritual form, we can't be cartain. It would account for the non-immediate recognition of him if it was his Spiritual form that they encountered...but either way, it is testament to the eternal life that is promised...whether the physical body dies or not, the Self/Consciousness does not. and you believe in him as the savior of your sins (your failure to meet god's standard) before God
I believe that he will advocate for me before the father if need be. I also believe that he will guide and inspire me on my path to living sin-free...that he's not just waiting for some distant time to forgive me, but that his forgiveness and encouragement, and inspiration are constants....not temporary....and that being disconnected from those can be dealt with....I don't believe that sin is my permanent nature here on earth. then I have no problem with you.
Even if you have a problem with me, I don't have one with you. As mistaken and sinful as I may or may not have been, I don't believe that i can threaten God, or God's Love for us...and I feel the same of you... Just because I prefer chocolate, doesn't mean I have to hate vanilla. I prefer the 'pluralistic' path that I am on(the path that is inclusive of, but not exclusively, Christian), but I don't hate your exclusive path. All you have to do to be Christian is believe in the teachings of Jesus. Even Jesus knew that the teachings are more important than the teacher....otherwise he would have protested and avoided his crucifixion. Whether it is communicated verbally, literally, psychically, educationally, prophetically, or any other way, it is not the medium that is is the message. Truth above all things. If in any way you deny that or subjugate that authority, then it is deceitfulness and not in the true Spirit.
And if you deny my path on authority of your own understanding of scripture, it is not in the True Spirit either. I take a hard line, not out of arrogance or duplicity, but out of humility and faithfulness to the truth of God.
I take a hard line as well...out of humility and faithfulness to the Truth/God, not out of arrogance or duplicity. I believe that God is unconditionally exceptions. I do not believe that God has a stake in the affairs of the human ego(if you do, you must think you're pretty important - so your non-arrogance claim would be rendered false). It rains equally on the good and the bad... My hard line simply doesn't take the same exclusionary standard as yours. All sin is due to ignorance...and thus, even if you are completely wrong in your approach to God, in my hard-line view, you're eventually destined to see the error in your ways and find Truth. You saying "if I am righteous, then heavenly-something I guess...and if not, then something in more accord with what I deserve" speaks volumes to the above testing of the Spirit. This line of thinking and living your life is not in the Spirit of God, because all are unrighteous and without integrity before God, by nature, it is impossible to please God.
Hey, if God doesn't want me in heaven, then, if that's God's will(for me to not be in heaven) then that's what I want. "Thy Will be done", after all. If I am not worthy, I accept that. I see no benefit in reducing myself to some fallible sinner and leaving it at that though...I credit my Creator with being greater than that...I have free will, and i may employ that in having complete and full integrity(or at least in the pursuit of experiencing such a state)...if I sin, I'm forgiven, and I move on. a 'sinner redeemed' is more like it. I'll certainly not dwell in my sinfulness, if that's what you're insisting. 'Oh woe is me!, I suck, and have no hope of being better'! Flawed as I am, I have strength in the Lord...he leads me not into temptation, and delivers me from evil... Why pray such a thing if one does not believe it can or will be answered? The Spirit has assurance of salvation by faith in Christ that God will rescue you from your inability to be righteous. It's duplicitous to think your actions will save you or that your own righteousness will be taken into account for your salvation; Christ saves you, by absorbing all your wrong, all your sinfulness.
He absorbs it? that's just plain weird. It'd be much simpler if he'd just say, Rob made some mistakes, but he Loves me, and I Love him, and he is thus forgiven. And I'm not dwelling on sins that I've been forgiven for. When I was 9, I pulled my sister's hair...and I have since learned the error of my ways, and have even been forgiven by my sister. Christ's forgiveness is even more immediate than hers....I'm not waiting to be forgiven.... And I'm not sure why you keep bringing up this notion of things happening according to my own actions. I'm constantly trying to surrender myself to up my Will in favour of His Will alone. Now, the 'giving up, and surrendering' might be considered as my own actions, but I assure you that they are no more and no less the product of my own actions than your belief in the authority of the bible is. The Spirit is in surrender to Christ and has assurance of salvation, what you've said, has no assurance at all.
What you've said has no assurance at all either. What you think the Spirit is might just be delusion...what you think the authority of the bible is might just be delusion. Assurance is subjective(just like 'relevance'), and as uncertain as any prediction is. The only way to know the Truth is to BE the Truth. Beautiful can tell that the words are subjectively embedded in the heart of the author. It's not the assurance of external sources(like the Bible, though she may have the same kind of faith in it as you do), but the subjective experience of Christ's assurance via her experience of the Presence of God in her day to day life. I happen to have the same thing, though I don't couch it in Christian terminology and symbolism quite as much. This is the authority given through the Spirit, as assurance of salvation, for why else believe, if there is no assurance that Christ did what he said he did?
What matters is not so much what he did(though it may be historically significant), but what is evident right now. Right now, I am saved, and forgiven...I don't need to understand the history of the cross in order for that to be evident this instant. I don't need to know what sort of arrangements were made in the past in order to appreciate their fruits in the present. Why believe? because of the subjective experience of God right now. If Jesus didn't rise from the dead and ascend into heaven, Christianity would be pointless, because there'd be no assurance of salvation. "If I am righteous, then heavenly-something I guess" is faithless having no assurance in Christ. There'd be no praise, no faith, little hope, and more specifically no reason for joy.
Perhaps you need assurance in order to have praise, faith and joy...I don't. Those may all occur for their own sake. the mere fact of Creation is cause for all of that....and having an appropriate afterlife to answer for the fact of this life is great! how could that be disappointing? If an afterlife consisting of punishment is most appropriate for the condition of my soul, then I welcome it....and if my soul is deserving of heaven, that's great too. Christ is great enough to deserve praise, even if I don't go to heaven...Christ is God! Now you have revealed that it is only yourself that you're concerned about...that you wouldn't have faith or even care about Jesus except for the assurance of your salvation... Like a friendship you maintain, only because you're getting something out of it...not because you think it's good to be caring and joyful for its own sake. The assurance of Christ is the reason there is Christian worship music!
And the assurance of God in other religions and spiritual expressions is why there is worship music for all faiths... here is a favourite of mine: A hope not of ourselves or our righteousness, but Christ's righteousness indwelt within us setting us right before God, not of anything we have done. Praise for the gift, but more importantly praise to the giver.
oh, but you wouldn't praise the giver without first getting the gift, right? because your faith depends on that assurance? You have the right to salvation. You have the right to know God in relationship and have assurance of glorification. You need not doubt that assurance through Christ because of the way you've lived, one way or the other.
I don't doubt it...I'm simply not invested in a future glory, when God is Present right now...if I go to heaven, great, if not, oh well. I'm more concerned with God now, than with God later. Not a spirit of fear and timidity but of assurance of a future glory. That is the Spirit of God.
No fear here...I'm sure that I'll end up where God sees fit for me to end up...and I trust completely in God's decision making; that it will be the best for me...just as right now, this instant, is the blessing of God. Amen. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Well, I was going to point out the flaws in your reasoning yet again...but seeing as you don't consider them flaws, and that you are unwilling to even consider it, and considering that supposed contradictions all have some sort of rationalization(like Jesus saying that he's returning to 'My Father, and Your(Mary Magdalene's) Father' according to the words of Jesus makes Mary his equal/Sister, in the sense that I consider myself Christ's brother). I'm going to propose that we point this discussion in a different direction. I'd like to know what you think you are. Are you a human? and if so, is it your body that defines you? If you cut your hair, do you cut away part of yourself? If you lose your arm, do you lose part of yourself? When does a part of your body stop being part of your body? is a dead skin cell 'you' until it falls off? When does it count as 'seeing'? when light hits your eye? when it hits the optic nerve? when it reaches your brain as an electrical signal? when it registers in awareness? I ask this, because I'm curious what you think it is that actually receives the gift of salvation. It is my view that the vast majority of human suffering lay in the fact that we tend to believe that we are our personalities. Do you think you are a personality? Has your personality remained the same throughout your whole life? What even is a personality? I think the personality, and the body are like the images at the theater...and naively, we identify with the images, when really, the true Self is the screen on which they appear. 'Consciousness' is the projector, and 'Awareness' is the light... ...but yeah, without getting into too great detail, I'd like to know what you think you/we are...what I am? Without knowing what we are, surely we can't be sure that we'll be saved, or that we even need saving! What is it that would know these things? -Rob
- Robcore
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Well I'd say that I am too, although saying that is a fairly vague sort of thing. In biology a child is the offspring and the consequence of genetic influences. In spirituality, it isn't so have the DNA of your it's different if you're a child of God...what is a child of God made of? At best, the term 'child', in the context of spirituality, denotes a relational quality, in the same way that an adopted child is the child of an adoptive parent. The fact of the relationship doesn't actually indicate what the child is - only that it is related to the parent. I accept that you are related to God in a similar sense, but I'm interested in knowing what you are....wht is it that relates? We have a personhood or a consciousness that allows us to know that we exist, and the who of that existence is the soul that lasts forever, the spiritual body (unseen) not the physical body. From conception to death, that soul lasts forever. An ego or a self.
I agree that the soul lasts forever...though I'm curious what you think the soul is. Do you think it is an ego/self? In psychology/psychoanalysis there is the ego(personality) and the superego(conscience) and the Id(Instinct/unconscious, pleasure-seeking drives, behavioural programming). Socrates...or maybe it was of the two...anyway, they said that the soul was indivisible and unchanging. I happen to agree with that notion of the soul, but it complicates things, as it precludes the ego/personality from being the "I", since the personality may change over well as the conscience, since circumstantially different things are deemed acceptable vs. unacceptable(i.e., your insistence that there are occasions where punching someone in the face is not sinful)....and the Id probably experiences more change than each of those. All of these are masks that the soul appears to wear. It is the soul that defines us, as God has made us that way, to interact with God, and have relation with God.
How does it define you? Is it like the word 'gravity'? meaning something akin to 'whatever it is that I truly am' is the 'soul'....just as gravity is 'whatever it is that keeps us from floating off into space'? Or can you actually say what the soul is? We don't really know how gravity interacts with us...only that it does. Is it the same with the soul? We don't know what it is or how it works...we don't know who we are at all...we just know that somehow we're in interaction with God? You catch glimpses of it at work when considered a conscience, a moral agency expressing and balancing right and wrong action within us, where sinfulness is ever present.
This is why I mentioned the ego vs. superego earlier...they are not one and the same...they are different mechanisms, and they may be in conflict with one another. For example, the personality/ego may enjoy pornography, while the superego/conscience does not approve. I don't expect that the soul can be divided against itself, so i'm curious if one of these is more likely than the other to be what we call the 'soul'. An individual Soul for every person born.
Did Jesus have a separate soul from God? Personalities change due to a whole manner of reasons, but the soul remains the same forever, as it's an internal spiritual construct designed by God to have a relationship with Him.
You call it an 'internal spiritual construct'....and this is getting to the core of my curiosity. If it is 'internal', then I assume it is inside you, correct? If it is inside you, then I'm even less clear on what you think you are, for the 'You' would have to be larger than the soul in order for it to be 'inside you'. So would you say that you 'are' a soul, or that you 'have' a soul? Is having a soul something like having a body? You're more a steward of it? Consciousness and awareness of self are the same thing, words describing each other
Well, for clarity's sake, I'd like to differentiate between them. Awareness is Consciousness, but Consciousness is not Awareness. Kind of like "All football players are athletes, but not all athletes are football players". Consciousness, at least in the way I use it, encompasses the conditions of awareness, intention, subconsciousness, unconsciousness, (the soul?), etc. Awareness is a state of consciousness. Does that make sense? I think it's at least a practical implementing of the terms, even if most thesauruses list them as synonyms. and come from God and are manifest in that we know we exist because we have a soul.
...because we are a soul? or because we have a soul? In either case, I'm not sure that I have a soul (I mean, I think I do, but I don't know what it is so I can't be sure)...but I do know that I exist. Is this a case of "the knife can't cut itself"? The knife(soul) can only experience by cutting things(being outwardly focused) that how it is with the soul? the soul experiences only via awareness, but cannot be aware of itself? I do not believe our true self is the screen in your metaphor, but that the true self is a soul, an individual entity designed by and of God, meant for spiritual communion with Him.
Fair enough...only you haven't explained what a soul is yet. If you accept that the screen is a soul, then it relates both to the world(the images) and to God(Via the projector and the light of consciousness). Maybe look at it this way. One day you recognize you've done something wrong, and feel guilty. Why do you feel guilty? To whom have you offended, when it's only affected yourself?
Guilt is spiritual error. It is dysfunctional and self-destructive. Responsibility and acceptance of consequences is the healthy expression of what people think guilt is supposed to achieve. Offense is in the eye of the beholder as much as beauty is. Guilt is selfish and egocentric and damaging - it is the ego/personality making a spectacle of itself and imbuing itself with specialness. Responsibility is humble and unnoticed...a decent regret is all that is necessary. Guilt is not the product of spiritual awareness. God doesn't need us to beat ourselves up over our mistakes. yeah, I don't tend to feel guilt. A personal defeat of character. You've done something you did not want to do, but did it anyway.
...being divided against oneself....I think it would be helpful to make a distinction between that which was drawn to error/sin and that which was aligned with conscience. This is why it's important to figure out what you are! Are you the part lobbying for sinful indulgence, or the part that is aligned with the will of God? Can you be responsible for both? Is it me that sins, or is it some sinful mechanism within me that I do not know how to control on my own? If I am the conscience, should I feel guilty and responsible when the body does not abide by my guidance? Am I the sinful aspect of myself? is that what the soul is? or is the soul my conscience? That is the soul affirming that you've broken some law, you've committed some personal crime and the consequences are guilt, fear, and shame, to this higher law, which is God.
Fear and shame are as dysfunctional as guilt is. Fear is obsessive, inflating, irrational and non-faithful. Humility and caution are the healthy expression of what the ego attempts to achieve through fear. Shame is dysfunctional too...the unwillingness to face up to reality...shame would rather have us become invisible and disappear from existence than to face up to what we have done, to learn from it, and to do better in the future. There is the aspect of the soul that pulls us away from God (into guilt, fear and shame) and that aspect that brings us closer to God (into humility, compassion, forgiveness, responsibility, greater awareness, acceptance). In any case, if the soul is affirming that I've broken some law, who is it affirming that to? am I something other than the soul? or is the soul affirming that to itself? I'll refrain from addressing your scriptural quotes until we can clear up just what the soul is and what the self is. Through the law we may become conscious of sin...but what are we? What is conscious? Is this anything like what you understand? I don't think it really works for me...but I find that visual representations tend to help a lot since they help to at least isolate the parts that we're concerned with addressing.
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
You are definitely right, in saying you are a steward of your soul, because God has ownership over his creation, just like you have ownership over something you make, but the ultimate buck stops with God.
Okay, so if the soul is something that I am a steward of, then I can't be the soul....and yet you said earlier, that the soul/self are the same thing. It's not as though we are stewards of ourselves...that's just redundant. My self has been entrusted to my self? You say that your modified version of the diagram is right, and yet it's still divided against itself...the ego and the superego and the Id have different motives, intentions, wills... ...which will is 'your' will? Which one is the free one? What chooses between following the ego vs. the superego vs the Id's direction? I would assume that that which chooses is what we'd call the true self/soul...but I can't help but think that that self/soul would have to be considered innocent because it naively chooses between the 3 aspects of self...and then, it doesn't even choose all the time...when it acts in accord with the Id, that's not choice at's unconscious/subconscious...programmed behaviour, not volountary behaviour. Have you experienced guilt, fear, and shame? Of course. It's not like you're unspiritual if you do, or super spiritual if you don't. Both can lead to a closer relationship with God, just that Godliness allows us to recognize the full extent of our fear, guilt, and shame before God, and rightly so.
Rightly so? Do you think God made us so poorly that shame, guilt and fear were intended to be the status of our experience before our creator? Guilt, shame and fear are the absence of spiritual awareness. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
how about this model?
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
if Christ absorbed all sin throughout all of time, why do you keep insisting that my nature is sin? Am I able to keep hold of my sin so that Christ can't absorb it? -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
So he will absorb my sins pending my acceptance of Him. If that's the case, then it's really not fair to say that he already absorbed all of sin through all of time. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
so all of sin has already been absorbed...I thought that was the fruit? What's the fruit of having sin absorbed? And if I still have my sins, it's safe to say that they aren't absorbed....they're 'absorbtion pending' least until I consent to their absorbtion in Christ, lol. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
nivalis wrote:why do people choose to believe in a highly unprobable and unsupported hypothesis?
It helps to form communities, and communities are what decided of our intellectual evolution and allowed us to become what we are. Science, tv shows, star trek or star wars, Linux are not religion, but they all achieve same goal. People gather around and form community. And the best thing is that none said that one should belong only to one community. That's probably why there were so many gods before Christ, and there wasn't much of a religious struggle between people, at least not significant one, like muslims holy war or our crusades.
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
The bible is a funny thing indeed. As an historical record it has merits, but the way that it is understood historically is subject to a lot of factors. Personally, as a seeker of an unchanging Absolute Truth, I find little of the historical case to be of great interest. The OT has stuff to do with stoning people and such...but then in the NT Jesus says that only he who is without sin ought to be able to throw stones. Thus, I'd say that the OT references to stoning and such are simply irrelevant to my pursuit (as most of the OT is, being that it deals with an anthropomorphized God that is subject to mood swings and throwing tantrums like any un-enlightened human being might (see: things that don't warrant spiritual alignment -- you wouldn't worship a bratty two year old!). Paisley seemed to advocate for the spiritual legality and contracts that are presented via the historical context of things...but that's all temporary stuff to me (not the permanent unchanging Absolute that I'm interested in. The terms of all contracts are subject to changes over time, so they say nothing with regard to the Absolute). The significance of the Bible changes from book to book. The gospels are the main sections of importance. Revelations is an abomination and it is tragic that it's even included. Demanding congruence between such varied works has led to a lot of distortion and confusion. The gospel of Thomas probably should have been included instead. Personally, I'd take the comparative value of the different books in the bible and compare that to say, how much value one may derrive from the koran vs. The Bhagavad Gita. Both convey great wisdom, but if one has to make one answer to the other, one misses entirely what is being pointed to. Basically, there is a lot in spiritual literature that has intellectual merit, and there is a lot in secular culture that also has intellectual merit(see: the Star Trek example). As a model for intellectual integrity, one has a lot of resources. In Buddhism and in many eastern philosophies the writings tend to be rather emphatic concerning the limitations of language (which by its very nature is dualistic with its use of subject/object relating) when it comes to describing the Absolute. Thus, to dismiss a spiritual document according to its literary merits is to miss the point. With the books of the Bible that I find the most inspiring, I could find fault in them on literal terms, but the interest lies more in what the writers are pointing to. To get caught up on the words themselves is to ponder the teacher's finger rather than the stars that it is pointing to. As for the highly unprobable and unsupported hypothesis comment, I'm interested just what you'd describe said hypothesis as. An anthropomorphic God is silly, but such a God comprises only a fraction of the experiential descriptions of what Divinity has meant to various people throughout the Ages (again, with the descriptions being subject to languaging which is inherently limited when it comes to describing said qualities). -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
you did not revive this thread. dear lord.
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
Hmm....unchanging absolute truth....I suppose you could say that I view the unfolding of perceived life as akin to various frames in a video clip. There is a sequential inference of meaning based on the story that ties the frames together. However, that meaning is arbitrarily projected based on the content/data on the dvd itself. The corollary absolute in this example would be to transcend the meaning of individual scenes (which can be random from dvd to dvd) and experiencing the reality/truth of "DVD-ness" which encompasses the entirety of the potentials for dvd contents, but is not subject to them in a limiting way. I suppose you could say that I view God as 'Infinite Context'. In that sense God is everything as Spinoza implied, and yet God is also greater than the sum of God's parts. Context gives meaning to content. Paradoxically, context and content are one and the same in a sense, as for example the space of a room is the context for the objects in a room, and any individual object(content) is included as part of the contextual space for all the other objects. As for the description of my pursuit being akin to Gnosis...I suppose there are similarities, however, gnosis/mystical knowledge seen as something which can be acquired/grasped via the intellect isn't quite the case. The intellect processes things in a linear way. Enlightenment is beyond intellectualization and concepts...beyond the causality of reason. To live perfectly and have that behavior arise spontaneously of its own rather than as a consequence of the intellect constantly solving situations in a linear way. To encompass a nature that is the perfect extension of its source(Reality). The intellect is pursuant of reality...enlightenment is having experienced Reality, unfiltered by any mechanisms; permanently. Religion, to me, is the consequence of people trying to model their lives after those who have succeeded at Enlightenment. The significance and meaning of things over time gets distorted as the followers are as yet pursuant of Reality/Truth/the Absolute; experiencing teachings through the filters of the mind/intellect/ego. With this in mind, I'd say that when it comes to religions, changing to accommodate 'trends' is dangerous...because trends are propagated by modes of thinking which by virtue of being modes of thinking, are not enlightened approaches. Intellectual relativism is a good example of one such trend. Now, if I were the head of the Christian Church, I'd probably move to swap out some books of the Bible for others...but it would be at best a decades long process...perhaps longer. As for other books that have spiritual authority, I could list off many. 'The Cloud of Unknowing' is a favourite...'A Course in Miracles(workbook)' is another...and those are just Christian ones. The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Dhammapada...I could go on and on...but they all attempt to speak of the ineffable reality of the Absolute using the limited languages and understandings of various cultures and peoples...using different teaching methodologies. Thus, to compare them in a literary sense for consistency or even descriptions of principles regarding ordinary life would be to miss their intent...they point beyond these things. For some, religion is like moral philosophy without arguments...even with depictions of supernatural things. Pursuant of philosophical content, one will find philosophical content in religion...however, philosophical understanding is not the ceiling of religious undertaking. Religion has different significance according to one's spiritual alignment. Some who don't want to think or who cannot think, they can use it as a moral guideline....some use religion and religious manipulation to meet political ends...some use it as a starting point for introspection...and some transcend religion altogether. It's often the case that religion distracts people and they begin to worship the religion rather than God....but really, the ultimate pursuit and purpose of religion is to help one on their journey to God. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
and do not blame me for not warning you
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
i have now read this three times. i'm getting a little closer each time, to understand what you mean, i hope. give me some time to think about it.
Definitely. If there's anything you'd like me to clarify or expand on I'd be happy to oblige. One thing that may help to know is that I believe causality is a belief system that puts constraints on spiritual growth and understanding of spiritual reality. -Rob
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
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Re: Too Taboo To Chew! (Religion)
all causality? like.. if i have a program that works, and then i insert "over9000" randomly into the file, that code would probably not compile. now didn't the changing into "over9000" cause the code to not work anymore? hm maybe bad example but if i clap my hands, are they not causing the sound i can hear from it? etc. i often get the feeling we're using words differently.
Well, one might say that in perception(which is linear; segmented, unlike the Absolute) that causality is a safe and practical inference to make. Like with a video clip, one derives meaning and significance by inferring relationships between the frames. Even if the frames get arranged differently though, we will still infer some sort of meaning by virtue of the mere fact that there is change from frame to frame. In a video clip where an image of a hammer is smashing down a nail, there is no causality occurring between the hammer and the nail, even though it may appear as such. All this lends itself to a flipping of one's fundamental way of looking at existence. When one sees past the limitations of causality it becomes clearer that matter is not the 'ground of all being'; the ground of all being is in fact 'Consciousness' (which is difficult for some, because they're so used to thinking of matter as the ground of being that their understanding of consciousness is that it arises from the brain). Causality is an artifact of shifts in Consciousness, just like the movement on a video clip is an artifact of perception too. -Rob
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