Topic: Futurama Movie
The new Futurama movie is out
haven't had time to watch it but looks legit.
You are not logged in. Please login or register. Futurama MovieForums - Next Episode → Futurama → Futurama Movie Posts: 5Topic: Futurama MovieThe new Futurama movie is out Re: Futurama MovieThas torrent refers probably to the DVDSCR of the movie. Other info for another version of this movie can be found at Releaselog And for general info you can always visit our Futurama Info page Re: Futurama Movieits really sad to think that ALL cartoons have taken a turn for the worse. Futurama, South Park, Family Guy, SIMPSONS. ALl of them used to be anywhere from great to epic and now they're bad to mediocre. South Park does have a few good episode every once in a while but thats it Re: Futurama Movieactually this new one seems to be like the old futurama, the first two movies were turd, but this one is actually watchable Re: Futurama MovieNot a Stalker wrote:
Family Guy with execption to the last episode has been top knotch. The movie was good but it is meant to be a 30 minute cartoon and they never properly stretch to a feature Posts: 5Forums - Next Episode → Futurama → Futurama Movie |