Re: Moonlight

well i'm going to sleep safe in the knowledge that i don't give an ounce of worth to anything written by the oh so lovely kristen or posted on tvguide.com... wrong just as often as right...

re: bloodties... i got four episodes in before bailing... it just didn't grab me...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Moonlight

ah.. I see.. wasn't so sure about kristen myself (too much bla, too little info), only added her blog to sage a couple of weeks ago. a friend of mine once mentioned her so I checked her out. so, no good you say?
tvguide... ah well... I sometimes listen to their podcast is all.

re: vampire shows.... I miss Whedon. like, a lot sad

"The hammer - is my penis."


Re: Moonlight

_mccutcheon wrote:

re: vampire shows.... I miss Whedon. like, a lot sad

Don't we all?

104 (edited by theConundrumm 2008-02-24 11:27:56)

Re: Moonlight

_mccutcheon wrote:

ah.. I see.. wasn't so sure about kristen myself (too much bla, too little info), only added her blog to sage a couple of weeks ago. a friend of mine once mentioned her so I checked her out. so, no good you say?
tvguide... ah well... I sometimes listen to their podcast is all.

re: vampire shows.... I miss Whedon. like, a lot sad

in my eyes it's the law of averages at play... i personally just got sick of getting all worried about something or whatever from either camp had sprouted turning out to be so far off the mark it wasn't funny... add to that it's more of a case of too much ego, too little info and i'm just not interested.... granted a lot of after-the-fact interesting information comes out of both camps, but as far as rumours/speculation and whatnot, no, i wouldn't put too much faith there...

[doesn't help their case that i'm a professional cynic...]

Mxyzptlk wrote:

Don't we all?

hell YES

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Moonlight

Mxyzptlk wrote:
_mccutcheon wrote:

re: vampire shows.... I miss Whedon. like, a lot sad

Don't we all?


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one..." Malcom "Mal" Reynolds



Re: Moonlight

oooh noooo

http://www.eztv.it/index.php?main=tvnew … _news=1614

Hi my name is Ina and I have an addiction... To tv shows <3 Also add me on snapchat at inav4e


Re: Moonlight

No second season????  Nooooooooooooooooooooo

Addicted to tattoo's, I wanna be a walking piece of art. 9 down 991 to go.


Re: Moonlight

you guys, trust me ... there will be a second season. smile


Re: Moonlight

uh oh, the sky is falling tongue...

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Moonlight

ok, I was being reffered to here by TC ... soemthing bout grey hair, I cant find it ... help me out here.


Re: Moonlight

i think it's post #56 or 65 or somesuch... the link should have taken you straight to the post i was referring to... hmmm....

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Moonlight

good news for moonlight! gorgeous eric winter is joining the cast as a love interest for beth. how cool is that for a change! can't wait for the upcoming 4 episodes .... smile


Re: Moonlight

daluwe I had to do a google image search on this Eric dude, still have no idea who he is. I have never see anything he has ever been in.

Is there any news of Moonlight's continuation.

I can relate to the Mick St. John character.
Not the blood sucking live forever bit. More the total aversion to sunlight bit.
I needs me some of that special glass tinting that they have.

I sleep through most or all of these tongue



Re: Moonlight

he's the gay minister on brothers & sisters

"The hammer - is my penis."


Re: Moonlight

_mccutcheon. I don't watch B&S, but I do record it for my wife.
I can't say his presence in the show would actually get me to watch it.

Unfortunately I still think of Sally Fields as GIDGET lol
Calista Flockhart is looking more and more like a goanna by the day big_smile
Rob Lowe doesn't look real, more like a shop mannequin wink

I sleep through most or all of these tongue



Re: Moonlight

Yeah, Rob Lowe looks like a Ken doll. big_smile I keep searching for some plastic surgery scars whenever there's a close-up of him. Thank god for HDTV.




Re: Moonlight

yeah but still .... he is absolutely gorgeous!

@ home: haven't talked to trevor in a while, but that means they are working hard. so i have nothing new to report on the matter of continuation. all i know is, that they are still having troubles with the showrunner, and that they need these next 4 episodes to be brilliant ones.

i'm working so hard myself lately, that i've troubles to catch up with everything. i hope everything is fine down under? sending an echt tiroler schmatzer smile


Re: Moonlight

nice to see Moonlight slip back into the left hand column thingy there... woohoo... 24 days and counting big_smile

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...

119 (edited by Mxyzptlk 2008-04-02 19:23:12)

Re: Moonlight

theConundrumm wrote:

nice to see Moonlight slip back into the left hand column thingy there... woohoo... 24 days and counting big_smile

It really is... I'm looking forward to see more of the girl in the fireplace..


Re: Moonlight

Are you by any chance the Doctor, Mxyzptlk?
(if you get the reference... tongue)

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one..." Malcom "Mal" Reynolds



Re: Moonlight

draiz wrote:

Are you by any chance the Doctor, Mxyzptlk?
(if you get the reference... tongue)

I go under many names smile


Re: Moonlight

I just have to chime in regarding Blood Ties.  While I enjoy watching BOTH Moonlight and Blood Ties,  Blood Ties is my favorite.  It was actually Moonlight that I almost stopped watching.

But I guess that was becasue Blood Ties began running before Moonlight.  So when I started watching Moonlight, it just seemed like a rip off of BT.  In the begining I confused the two because they were so much alike.  Especially in the beginning episodes when the female lead character volunteers to feed her newly befriended vampire.  And then you get into the love triangles...

But I do have to give Moonlight one thing though.  Their plot line has gotten a little more deep then BT regarding Beth and her "unique" blood.


Re: Moonlight

Is this blood ties show any good?

124 (edited by theConundrumm 2008-04-04 04:17:42)

Re: Moonlight

from all accounts it has gotten a bit better since the three episodes i ditched it after...  from what i saw it just seemed flat and uninteresting, and geared toward a female audience... which may be a good thing for some, just not for me...

and just spotted this, via scifi wire: http://www.youchoose.net/campaign/moonlight_season_2

i'm going to eat your brains and gain your memories...


Re: Moonlight

Well.. my female side is pretty strong.. I might like it smile