Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

I read all that as @paisley1's bunker is way nicer than the silo. But I should've known that already since they obviously don't have internet access or tv streams

27 (edited by Moze 2023-05-16 12:14:19)

Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

paisley1 wrote:

1x3 - the pacing/sense of urgency and intrigue never let up, really well done, although...


A steam turbine??  And they don't know where the steam is coming from?  And there's no shut off, or return line, or e-vent?  Really??  Pressure is a real issue with hermetically sealed chambers.  How do they deal with temperature control and not all boil to death with a heat creating steam generator underneath of them?  Turbines have to be maintained regularly, like once a year, not once every thousand years awkwardly for 30 minutes by guess and by golly, lolz!  You'd need a press brake to bend that fin back into place, but you wouldn't want to (they didn't really show how they "fixed" it, lolz), because it would just break again, you'd need to completely replace that fin with a new one, as they're carefully engineered and balanced, which requires LOTS of time and sophisticated machinery.

Also, if they can build a silo, why wouldn't they have RTG's or other advanced modular generators (ZPM's, lolz) that have no moving parts and require little maintenance on every floor for full backup and redundant power?   Half the Silo should be supplies to fix the silo and replace what you know is going to break.

Also also, her body would melt from the steam inside that compartment, lolz, and in reality do nothing.

Also also also, they kill off characters like Game of Thrones in this show. Who's next?  Rebecca's mom?  Any glimmer of hope and joy and they take it away.  Ridiculous.

...I thought of all of that while watching 1x3, and yet I still enjoyed it. wink

Why no elevator in the Silo?  Cardio?


Hah, was thinking the same while watching. I guess it could be a very very deep "hardened" hole where they redirect some ground water to, and it heats/boils up creating steam. And since they have no clue how the steam is made, they should not know about any way to close off the ground water. I dont think there could be any other "realistic" explanation no? Seems unlikely its nuclear fission or fusion creating the steam.

As for the repair and cooling, all i can say is lol.
I also thought being on the deepest lvl must be deadly to say the least, just think about all the shit that can be dropped from up high and with 10 000 people living upwards, seems like a recipe for disaster. Not to mention, how does the plumbing work? And yes, strange there is no elevators, or any talk about they have existed, would be perfect to add while the mayor and acting sheriff were going down if they didnt work anymore.

There was also some intriguing details on the video feed, when they shut down the power. Almost as if there were 3 filters.

A good thing i can easily ignore those details while watching and still enjoy the show.

Edit: Spoiler tags!

28 (edited by paisley1 2023-05-16 02:41:46)

Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

Moze wrote:

Hah, was thinking the same while watching. I guess it could be a very very deep "hardened" hole where they redirect some ground water to, and it heats/boils up creating steam. And since they have no clue how the steam is made, they should not know about any way to close off the ground water. I dont think there could be any other "realistic" explanation no? Seems unlikely its nuclear fission or fusion creating the steam.

As for the repair and cooling, all i can say is lol.
I also thought being on the deepest lvl must be deadly to say the least, just think about all the shit that can be dropped from up high and with 10 000 people living upwards, seems like a recipe for disaster. Not to mention, how does the plumbing work? And yes, strange there is no elevators, or any talk about they have existed, would be perfect to add while the mayor and acting sheriff were going down if they didnt work anymore.

There was also some intriguing details on the video feed, when they shut down the power. Almost as if there were 3 filters.

A good thing i can easily ignore those details while watching and still enjoy the show.

You should probably use spoiler tags, like I've done above.

When it comes to the Silo's mechanical:


The steam is most likely geothermal, what's ridiculous is that they can't control the steam and they're using a turbine to create power, all of which emits so much heat it would turn the silo into an oven and fry everyone if there's no shut off or e-vent, especially if there's a malfunction.

Waste is probably connected to the farming levels, pumped up and pumped down.  I saw cows on one level, I can't imagine the smell in there, it must reek, unless, "insert special technology" and it can be explained away.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

paisley1 wrote:

The steam is most likely geothermal, what's ridiculous is that they can't control the steam and they're using a turbine to create power, all of which emits so much heat it would turn the silo into an oven and fry everyone if there's no shut off or e-vent, especially if there's a malfunction.


The whole thing doesn't make any sense at all.... so, if the turbine is driven by the hot steam coming from below fed into the containment chamber of the turbine-shaft.... what does happen if you open the enclosure? Right, all steam will rush out into the surrounding room, steam cooking all those engineers and the turbine will stop spinning anyway as the blades stall immediately.

And yeah, the builders of the structure planned for every eventuality but not putting in a pressure relief valve into a stream drive generator assembly? Or if not that.... they could just open the valve a tiny bit and also open the hatch Juliette used to enter the stream chamber... that would have vented the steam into the open space. Problem gone.

Also, "straiten" a badly damaged and bend turbine blade? Seriously? Even touching it after it ran for weeks glowing hot... those gloves must have been really well made...

Next to the idiocy, that they build a huge bunker and power it with one big ass generator instead of a series of smaller independent and redundant systems. Do not have any spare parts like a new blade?

Moze wrote:

There was also some intriguing details on the video feed, when they shut down the power. Almost as if there were 3 filters.


I really hoped they would show the "real" world for a split second when the processing/filter engine stops and some inhabitants would have noticed. That could have been a good option to make the whole "generator repair" relevant for the story... the way they used it, was a waste of an opportunity and not really that engaging doing anything useful to the story. Maybe positioning Juliette as a "hero"-character. Which is a bit too on the nose for my liking.

Ok, Ep3 added at least some decent "action" into the mix. But I found Ep1 and Ep2 tremendously boring and as said in the spoiler section above, Ep3 doesn't really helped me to really care what is going on. Not that bad as to drop it right away, will give it Ep4 and maybe Ep5 to turn me around. But I am not that optimistic I won't drop it mid-season for good.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

So do we suppose the ep 4


note was intentionally illegible? I taught college kids for years and thought I was just short of a pharmacist on being able to decipher handwriting but I'm not sure. I finally decided it was 'flowers' and figure it had something to do with the window image.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

mrverene wrote:

So do we suppose the ep 4


note was intentionally illegible? I taught college kids for years and thought I was just short of a pharmacist on being able to decipher handwriting but I'm not sure. I finally decided it was 'flowers' and figure it had something to do with the window image.

It says:


Double the flowers in front of the mirror

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

That was what I determined. When I googled for confirmation there were other thoughts, a couple of which weren't actually words and none of which made sense big_smile


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

1x5 Still enjoying the show!


After the screen projection error when shutting down the generator, now the outside "lights" being visible at night... Love it. smile


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

Lol! Re: The engineering comments above. I also picked it to pieces, much to wifey's annoyance!.


They didn't re-fit the covers before powering it back up. Super-heated steam would have filled the Silo, vapourising everyone in there smile

Still, interesting so far.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

At least, by now we know why there are no elevators in the silo wink


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

1x6. The end! Damn! yikes That's why I'm currently looking forward to this show more than to any other. smile


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]


"Double the flowers in front of the mirror."


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

fassy wrote:

At least, by now we know why there are no elevators in the silo wink

I know that's stated in the code, but not why.  What did I miss?


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

TeaAndApathy wrote:

"Double the flowers in front of the mirror."

Respect! I hadn't thought of that when watching 1x6. smile

I wonder if we just found the "Whispering Friends of the Silo"...

40 (edited by paisley1 2023-06-04 04:51:30)

Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

1x6 - The Relic.

Love the scene over the radio, so well written, and maybe it's that I've binged LOST too many times, but the 1x6 end reveal was my first thought about 1x1.


Of course they're watching everyone in the Silo, it's a damn social science experiment like one of the Dharma Initiative stations!  Show of hands who assumed they were being spied on?  (everyone raises their hands, obviously)  The fact that the silo seems to be on earth makes me sad, wish it was on another planet, that'd be more interesting.

Other than being the last safe haven for life on Earth, I wonder if there's a secret stair/elevator leading to a healthy planet, and people have been coming and going from the surface for centuries, and it's the suits that kills them when they go outside to clean.  I'd write that in.  But to what end though, if the planet is habitable?  Just as an experiment?  Kind of expensive.  They did mention there was a mine though, maybe what they're mining is very valuable to outside interests and the siloians don't know it? Or perhaps they're a testing ground for scientific data (social, psychological, etc) for other silos throughout the universe?  I'm assuming it's been many thousands of years, and the Silo laws were re-written at some point, thus the lack of records the mayor talked about.

So much speculation is such a fun ride.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

@paisley1, you should read the books, really good.
There is *a lot* of fan fiction too

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

paisley1 wrote:



Other than being the last safe haven for life on Earth, I wonder if there's a secret stair/elevator leading to a healthy planet, and people have been coming and going from the surface for centuries, and it's the suits that kills them when they go outside to clean.  I'd write that in.  But to what end though, if the planet is habitable?  Just as an experiment?


I'm curious, what makes you think people have been coming and going? Looks like a closed system (with only a way out) to me. Potential visitors from the outside could possibly be introduced to others as just being visitors from another level, but that would be quite risky...

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but it has been established (when they turned off the generator) that cleaners actually don't die outside. I just wonder why the woman who saw that didn't talk about it with anyone. But maybe that's for a future episode.

43 (edited by paisley1 2023-06-08 05:39:19)

Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

lighton wrote:
paisley1 wrote:



Other than being the last safe haven for life on Earth, I wonder if there's a secret stair/elevator leading to a healthy planet, and people have been coming and going from the surface for centuries, and it's the suits that kills them when they go outside to clean.  I'd write that in.  But to what end though, if the planet is habitable?  Just as an experiment?


I'm curious, what makes you think people have been coming and going? Looks like a closed system (with only a way out) to me. Potential visitors from the outside could possibly be introduced to others as just being visitors from another level, but that would be quite risky...

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but it has been established (when they turned off the generator) that cleaners actually don't die outside. I just wonder why the woman who saw that didn't talk about it with anyone. But maybe that's for a future episode.

I'm just speculating...


...that people have been coming and going through a back door/elevator to the Silo that nobody knows about because if there are people monitoring cameras within the Silo that nobody knows about, then there are monitors of the monitors who can come and go with impunity. tongue  Perhaps the show feels a bit like the Matrix to me, which conjures ideas of the architect with monitors, and a key maker with keys to back doors that lead to various ways out of a trapped world.  I'm not sure yet if Silo works allegorically; if abstract ideas can be defined through characters, but I enjoy stories like that and is part of my speculation process.

It hasn't been confirmed that people live when they go outside to clean; Anne Perkins and MLKjr are both shown to have died when they went outside to clean.  All we know is that in some brief instances the camera is glitching (ie. the woman) and is most likely portraying a false image, so we all assume that they live or can live outside the silo, but the nature of the outside planet, we know nothing yet.  Also, what is the false image, the good one or the bad one?  Is the camera glitching good or glitching bad?  Is the glitching just another system of control embedded in the Silo experiment?

Does that help?


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

WARNING: This spoiler is known as I have read the books.  If you really don't want to know, don't open it.


Final warning!


- There is no back door.
- The monitor people are part of IT (or maybe Judicial, I don't remember them from the books, so they have been added in)
- The video feed is doctored and shows a filtered/changed view of the outside.  The "glitch" that was see was the real outside.  The reason people clean is so that they think people will see the real outside, not knowing it's false for a reason.  In the books, only head of IT (and their shadow) knows this.

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".

45 (edited by paisley1 2023-06-09 01:26:18)

Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

@Wizard - Those aren't really spoilers, they're what we already assume if we've been watching.


If they've deviated from the books and added in monitor people, maybe they'll add in a back door, and lasers, and robots, and slurpees, and flying saucers even, who knows.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]


during the glitch - did anyone else notice the bodies had gone ?

Wizard wrote:

WARNING: This spoiler is known as I have read the books.  If you really don't want to know, don't open it.


Final warning!


- There is no back door.
- The monitor people are part of IT (or maybe Judicial, I don't remember them from the books, so they have been added in)
- The video feed is doctored and shows a filtered/changed view of the outside.  The "glitch" that was see was the real outside.  The reason people clean is so that they think people will see the real outside, not knowing it's false for a reason.  In the books, only head of IT (and their shadow) knows this.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

‘Silo’ Renewed for Season 2 at Apple
https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/silo-r … 235643158/

I'm not surprised, but I love the news. smile


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

I'm happy that 1x9 finally confirmed it for everyone:


Cleaners don't die outside. smile


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]

I'm trying to imagine the person who was just floored by that and


Andy Dufresne being the bad guy.


Re: Silo [Drama, Sci-Fi]


S2, camped mutants take all her bottle caps