Topic: Masters of the Universe: Revelation


Masters of the Universe: Revelation is an American animated superhero fantasy streaming television series developed by Kevin Smith and produced by Powerhouse Animation Studios. A sequel to the 1983–1985 Filmation series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, ignoring the events of its 1985–1986 spin-off series She-Ra: Princess of Power, Revelation focuses on the unresolved storylines of the original 1983 TV series, picking up many of the characters' journeys where they left off.

https://next-episode.net/masters-of-the … revelation

...where did I put that rat's ass I could give?

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves.


Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

It's mediocre at best, sadly. You'd think Smith could do 5 20 minute episodes without so much filler but evidently not. Won't be upset at all if it's cancelled despite it ending on a cliffhanger. The 2002 series was much better.


Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Huge wasted opportunity, looks great but the story is terrible.

4 (edited by nightcrow 2021-07-25 22:09:36)

Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation



Where was He-Man in the entire show that is called He-Man!?? Is Teela gay???? Why did this feel more woke than an actual He-Man show?? Was that a Thundercats Easter egg in the heaven afterlife preternia thing? and why the f**k did it end with Skeletor becoming He-Man??

So disappointed with Kevin Smith!

Brothers! What we do in life...Echoes in Eternity!



Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation


Not a thundercats easter egg. that was the tower from the pricey Eternia playset which came out late in the toy run. Because what better place for the Eternia playset than in the afterlife. Because Kevin Smith.

6 (edited by HomerS 2021-07-26 10:30:15)

Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

I'm a kid of the 80s and enjoyed it.

It looks good, animation is good and i dident mind the different take on it and the different story lines as it is a sequel to the lose ends of the original show and not a reboot. But agreed the woke stuff wasnt necessary but wasnt that annoying either. And clearly this is only the first Part of the first season, so no cancelation in sight.


Finally Faker, woot could never find him as a toy back in the day, sadly was not a long appearance. And one thing which always bugged me a bit of the original show (even tho it's still the best version imo) is that the bad guys were always a bit weak but now they can atleast hold their own for a bit. Never seen Grayskull before and Skeletor becomes the Master of the Universe, nice.



Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

HomerS wrote:

I'm a kid of the 80s and enjoyed it.

It looks good, animation is good and i dident mind the different take on it and the different story lines as it is a sequel to the lose ends of the original show and not a reboot. But agreed the woke stuff wasnt necessary but wasnt that annoying either. And clearly this is only the first Part of the first season, so no cancelation in sight.


Finally Faker, woot could never find him as a toy back in the day, sadly was not a long appearance. And one thing which always bugged me a bit of the original show (even tho it's still the best version imo) is that the bad guys were always a bit weak but now they can atleast hold their own for a bit. Never seen Grayskull before and Skeletor becomes the Master of the Universe, nice.

Im also an 80s kid and thats why this was sickening. Who knows what the woke millennials would have thought of it. meh.

Brothers! What we do in life...Echoes in Eternity!



Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

I think the problem is Kevin Smith wasn't an 80s kid so he just borrowed a bunch of stuff from other sources and wrote a generic CW script padded with people being really mad about lying and hallucinations where characters confront their issues. It was just a boring superhero episode with a MotU skin.

9 (edited by AlphaRuxpin 2021-07-28 23:52:47)

Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Kevin Smith may have been born 8 years before I was, but I consider myself an 80s and 90s kid. I think a lot like anyone watching this show for nostalgia or intrigue, we never fully grew out of that animation intoxication from our youth and will to this day watch a cartoon if the story/animation/concept is appealing.  However instead of looking at this production assuming it was injected with current changes to social mores, think about the OG animation and how the story never ended or progressed.  Each week we came back to foil Skeletor or some other random situation/baddie. The same can be said with the re-launch of the 2000s version of He-Man. which played out more like He-Man and the RE-Masters of the Universe (which was great!) This new production is not only an opportunity to progress the story and legend of He-Man, but a far better version of "The New Adventures of He-Man" from 1990/91. That piece of garbage lasted one year too long. If one was to watch this cartoon with unbiased ideals or expectations, they would most likely enjoy the story and animation. I am not a fanboy shill, I do not like some of the new changes.  However, change is a good thing, when it is done the right way. Even though it is great to see the hero win, there must be an eventual conclusion to the epic tale. He-Man has to die, get old, or just not be able to be He-Man any more. You can't just mooch off the force for all Eternia (I'm lookin at you Sorceress.) Sometimes the bad guy has to win for a new hero to be born. This could have been a lot worse and any examples I could provide would probably see me accused of having some x-phobic mentality. If one doesn't like this show, it is because of a personal bias and not objective of the material. Watch it again after watching "The New Adventures of He-Man," and tell me how you feel.


Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Hi @AlphaRuxpin, Have you not heard of paragraphs or spacing of any kind?
No one wants to read a wall of text like that.

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Wizard wrote:

Hi @AlphaRuxpin, Have you not heard of paragraphs or spacing of any kind?
No one wants to read a wall of text like that.


Please edit that, AlphaRuxpin.


Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Wizard wrote:

Hi @AlphaRuxpin, Have you not heard of paragraphs or spacing of any kind?
No one wants to read a wall of text like that.

Who said diplomacy was dead?  smile

2020.  Meh.


Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

graybags wrote:
Wizard wrote:

Hi @AlphaRuxpin, Have you not heard of paragraphs or spacing of any kind?
No one wants to read a wall of text like that.

Who said diplomacy was dead?  smile

It was either that or just delete it as spam  tongue

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Masters of the Universe: Revelation

does tl;dr apply here...?

Brothers! What we do in life...Echoes in Eternity!
