26 (edited by paisley1 2021-03-12 01:38:25)

Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Wizard wrote:
Moze wrote:

You didn't recognize the voice of Nathan Fillion? big_smile

I did, I just didn't want to give the game away!  smile


If it's Mal as an octopus asking Wash as an alien if he's high, that's WAY funnier! big_smilehttps://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fd4%2F4e%2Fdd%2Fd44edda17594fb4551b9c4edeb10bccb.jpg&f=1&nofb=1Also, I assume everyone here gets the joke about Alien Octopuses because researchers studying the octopus genome found unexpected results.


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Definitely the best comedy on TV imo, sheer brilliance lol


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

I must admit that I don't usually find American comedies my 'cup of tea' however, Resident Alien is great. You have to listen to the dialogue carefully so you don't miss the one-liners. An excellent show I am really enjoying it.


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Yes, I also enjoyed 1x7. Many fun scenes!


In his dream, working as a barista: "I have one low fat cow's milk latte with an extra shot of agitation for... Karen." lol

30 (edited by paisley1 2021-03-15 00:15:21)

Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

lighton wrote:

Yes, I also enjoyed 1x7. Many fun scenes!


In his dream, working as a barista: "I have one low fat cow's milk latte with an extra shot of agitation for... Karen." lol

+1 Lighton lol  This show is so well written!

Episode 8 Preview - Hilarious!


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

It jarred me when Alan Tudyk spoke as a normal-ish person in 1x7. I'm so used to him being funny that it was just weird!


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Renewed for season 2

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

1x08 quote:


I believe her, no ones dying today, but now I have my device, so how about tomorrow, all 8 billion of them! lol

34 (edited by Deke 2021-03-18 20:02:17)

Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

The main reason I stuck with this is Alan Tudyk, I adore him.
So glad I did now, this show is great.
I wasn't a fan of the sheriff off the bat, but he is one off my favourite characters now.
The dialogue/comedy between the two women is so relaxed and unforced it just flows and feels completely natural.

love it.


342 kids big_smile I have a cousin that isn't far from that.


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

bamuel wrote:

Renewed for season 2

How could it not be, it's great.
That does mean however


that the world will not be blown up


DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Deke wrote:

The main reason I stuck with this is Alan Tudyk, I adore him.
So glad I did now, this show is great.
I wasn't a fan of the sheriff off the bat, but he is one off my favourite characters now.
The dialogue/comedy between the two women is so relaxed and unforced it just flows and feels completely natural.

love it.

Hehe, Yes the BIG black is one of my favs as well. We just needed the one scene with his father to understand the whole character, brilliant!


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Moze wrote:

We just needed the one scene with his father to understand the whole character

Yes 100%


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Hopefully I'm not hated for saying these words but, I'm a big comic book fan...however this is a comic I had never heard of. I have now got the full stock sat waiting for me to finish this series to do something I've never done before; read the comic after watching the live action and I can not wait. Really look forward to this each week.

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

bamuel wrote:

Hopefully I'm not hated for saying these words but, I'm a big comic book fan...however this is a comic I had never heard of. I have now got the full stock sat waiting for me to finish this series to do something I've never done before; read the comic after watching the live action and I can not wait. Really look forward to this each week.

We expect a book report soon. Seriously, let us know how the comic compares!


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

bamuel wrote:

Hopefully I'm not hated for saying these words but, I'm a big comic book fan...however this is a comic I had never heard of.


Just kidding... have fun and - like TeaAndApathy said - let us know how the comic compares. smile


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Michael Cassidy (who plays Dr Ethan) was also in People of Earth (I miss that show) as a lizardman extraterrestrial. I wonder if he'll be one in season 2 of Resident Alien? Harry mentions the lizardmen and how they're always trying to breed with human women.
I guess I doubt it, but I couldn't help making the connection.


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

I liked People of Earth.  That would be a funny "cross-over".

DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

I love how the show references some of the history of its filming location Ladysmith on Vancouver Island:

Please post no spoilers from that article, I haven't finished reading it. cool


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

This is about the comic which is very different, but makes references to the series up to episode 8


I just finished the first miniseries book. It is very different. Main thing is that Harry is pretty versed on most human interactions having lived among them for 3 years. He just avoids them where possible.

There actually is a serial killer in the comics and the Doctor is just a second victim, so that takes up most of Harry's story.

And Asta sees Harry's face as a blur and tells her Dad about it (who is a Shaman) and concludes Harry is an alien. The last bit I just read is Asta telling Harry she knows and it's all good.

The men in black find a wrecked ship and the remains of a seat so assume there was a pilot. That's all there really was of them at this point.

Harry and Asta and the original doctor are the only characters from the comic in the series. The Mayor is your typical older Mayor character. To be honest you really notice the lack of women in the comic. Asta and a woman called Ellen at the clinic are the only women. The series adding people and making Harry more awkward really change the tone.

Although so far in the comic it hasn't shown him killing anyone and he even feels guilty about stealing from an ATM, but feels good he can at least reimburse the store he steals supplies from.

His race seem to have emotions too as he has a memory of his wife telling him she'd wait for him as he doesn't know how long his mission to Earth will take.

Thats my book report of the first 4 issues

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

TeaAndApathy wrote:

Michael Cassidy (who plays Dr Ethan) was also in People of Earth (I miss that show) as a lizardman extraterrestrial. I wonder if he'll be one in season 2 of Resident Alien? Harry mentions the lizardmen and how they're always trying to breed with human women.
I guess I doubt it, but I couldn't help making the connection.

I am further along and have read the second mini series book and he has been introduced as a character, so would be a good in-joke if he does turn out to be. (I wasn't sure if that was spoiler worthy or not as it's still speculation from my side too?)

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Thank you for the book report! I figured the show wouldn't really match up. Frankly, I like the way the show is going better than the apparent trajectory of the comic. I think I'll skip them.


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

TeaAndApathy wrote:

Thank you for the book report! I figured the show wouldn't really match up. Frankly, I like the way the show is going better than the apparent trajectory of the comic. I think I'll skip them.

The comics are good. I was very interested in what was happening, but they are definitely more sci-fi drama thriller than sci-fi comedy.

"city morgue, you kill em, we chill em"


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Moze wrote:
Deke wrote:

I wasn't a fan of the sheriff off the bat, but he is one off my favourite characters now.

Hehe, Yes the BIG black is one of my favs as well. We just needed the one scene with his father to understand the whole character, brilliant!

What? Did I miss an episode? Which episode had that scene?


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]


"My people are not a costume" "Welcome to my life"

lighton wrote:

What? Did I miss an episode? Which episode had that scene?

It was early on, ep 3 or 4, He's sat in the diner talking to his dad.


Re: Resident Alien [Comedy, Drama, Mystery]

Deke wrote:
lighton wrote:

What? Did I miss an episode? Which episode had that scene?

It was early on, ep 3 or 4, He's sat in the diner talking to his dad.

Ah, right! Now I remember. smile I've tried Google to find out which episode that was - unsuccessfully. Finally I looked up the character/actor (https://residentalien.fandom.com/wiki/Lewis_Thompson) and the IMDb told me which episode: it was in 1x5.