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1 Topic by TheFizza 2020-08-06 21:05:11 (edited by TheFizza 2021-09-24 06:53:06)

- TheFizza
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Topic: Star Trek: Lower Decks 
Star Trek: Lower Decks focuses on the support crew serving on one of Starfleet's least important ships.
Just watched the first episode of Lower Decks and not sure how I felt about it... I mean it was very amusing but was it also just a bit much like The Orville... IDK?! Though I am thinking if you like that show this seems to be taking a similar path, only actually in the TREKverse ('cept this is a cartoon, of course). It almost feels like this is a show folks in the TREKverse would be watching (or something) if only they still had TV. That all being said I'm not trying to tell others what should or shouldn't be in the franchise I enjoy but also there are reasons why I like something. Typically when a spinoff (or whatever) doesn't match what draws you to the franchise it can complicate a viewer's enjoyment... that being said it's hard to really unpack this series so early in its run. Of course, I'm not a savage, as with every regular series I check out for the first time I'll be giving ST: LD the 4 Episode Test (if it doesn't grab hold of me by then I'll drop it from my shows). Anyone else have an opinion?

- Wizard
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
I quite liked the first one, I laughed a few times. It's a good alternative look at ST and doesn't take itself too seriously. I hated The Orville, but then I don't really like Seth MacFarlane in live action, his voice acting is OK.
DRM "manages access" in the same way that Prison "manages freedom".
3 Reply by TheFizza 2020-08-06 21:37:31 (edited by TheFizza 2021-09-24 06:52:11)

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Wizard wrote:I quite liked the first one, I laughed a few times. It's a good alternative look at ST and doesn't take itself too seriously. I hated The Orville, but then I don't really like Seth MacFarlane in live action, his voice acting is OK.
Ha, well I've had my issues with The Orville (too many dumb jokes for one) but it honestly did a good job turning a lot of the usual SF tropes on their heads. For instance The Orville did the 'dating a robot' thing and somehow made it fresh and interesting. And "About a Girl" was TNG level of social satire... ST:LD just feel like stupid fun (no thinking required), which might be what I like least and most about it... It's kind of refreshing. Thanks Wizard, for helping me hone in a bit a more specifically on the impression the 1st Ep left me with.
4 Reply by spicerack 2020-08-07 00:51:46 (edited by lighton 2020-08-07 05:34:34)
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
TheFizza wrote:Anyone else have an opinion?
The first episode of Lower Decks definitely seems to just be a comedy that HAPPENS to be set in the ST universe. Not really sure what to expect from it. I think it's different from The Orville though. At least the 2nd season of The Orville which got a bit more serious and became more than just the parody of ST that the 1st season was.
5 Reply by TheFizza 2020-08-07 01:04:57 (edited by TheFizza 2021-09-24 06:56:43)

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
spicerack wrote:The first episode of Lower Decks definitely seems to just be a comedy that HAPPENS to be set in the ST universe. Not really sure what to expect from it. I think it's different from The Orville though. At least the 2nd season of The Orville which got a bit more serious and became more than just the parody of ST that the 1st season was.
Well caught, spicerack. A fairer comparison would be to S1 Orville, it got a lot less comedic in S2. And yes, I really didn't know what to expect from the show but I'm not saying it was unwatchable or soulless... that being as it is the 'Rick & Morty' shtick does make this show feel as if it would be more at home in the Orville-verse than Trek... so far (but it's still early days).

- lighton
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
I've added link, image and synopsis to the first post, and posted at … 41#p165641. The trailer didn't do it for me, so I'm not watching the show. It has a very low rating here and isn't really loved over at IMDb.
7 Reply by HomerS 2020-08-07 10:55:16 (edited by HomerS 2020-08-07 11:01:11)

- HomerS
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
The art style is inspired by i would say Final Space and everything is a bit hectic/on steroids like on Rick and Morty but so far without its wit but i diden't hate the pilot because it's set in the ST universe and doesnt take itself to serious. I gonna check out some more eps before i decide. It feels a bit like if the creators of Star Trek wanted to give Seth McFarlane the finger by saying "you come from cartoons into our territory with a Star Trek inspired real life comedy series, so we go from real life into your territory with Star Trek set in cartoons/comedy."
8 Reply by TheFizza 2021-09-24 07:03:28 (edited by TheFizza 2021-09-24 07:03:39)

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
It's funny, looking back at my impression when I watched Ep 1 of S1 compared to how I feel now, it's... well not 'night & day' but I went from hesitant about Lower Decks to frakin' LOVING IT! It might actually be in my Top 3: DS9, TNG and now LD. This latest season has started off with a bang and I'm very excited to see where it takes off to next!

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Ah... Today's Ep was sooooo good!  Annnnd a To Be Continued to boot!
10 Reply by HomerS 2021-10-15 09:17:52 (edited by HomerS 2021-10-15 09:43:44)

- HomerS
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
I changed my mind aswell since the pilot and think it's really good.

- paisley1
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
301, very funny, so many quotes: ▼Spoiler "Hey Bradward, want to test the sweetness of my bushel?" "Ugh. Fine, Genevieve, (tastes) just give it 43 more sun hours at 21 degrees brix."  "Bradward, all these varietals are so confusing. Take me to the privacy of the pickery shed and explain them to me." "Come on Mandolina, red goes in the red bucket, white in the white. You know that."  "Bradward, I'm soaked in juice and need help getting naked." "Just spray off with the hose, Lianne."  "Did you time your entrance to say that?" "What? No." "Oh ya. She did." "No, I mean, only like a few seconds." "It was at least a minute, I was like, why are we hiding by the door."

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Season Three has been everything I wanted and more, already... can't wait to see what comes next!
13 Reply by paisley1 2022-09-18 02:40:24 (edited by paisley1 2022-09-24 20:52:05)

- paisley1
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
304, so funny, hey Fizz, such good quotes: ▼Spoiler "You're all goddamm Geordi La Forges!!" "Computer, 35 churros in an unmarked paper bag, hot."
14 Reply by paisley1 2022-09-24 21:38:59 (edited by paisley1 2022-09-24 21:45:10)

- paisley1
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
305, more incredible quotes, all from Boimler: ▼Spoiler "The doctor didn't spend 7 years in the delta quadrant for you fucks to question his agency. He's got rights!!" "Don't look down on me. I've failed the Kobayashi Maru 17 times, motherfuckers!" 
This ep was filled with Star Trek memorabilia. So good. Love this show. 

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks

- graybags
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Being bit of a fan of Star Trek, I thought I'd watch the first episode of this... I couldn't get into it at all. Didn't find it funny or anything. I've just scrolled up and looked at the images posted to see if I get them, and nope, don't get them either. 
2020. Meh.
17 Reply by HomerS 2022-09-28 11:57:39 (edited by HomerS 2022-09-28 12:00:04)

- HomerS
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
graybags wrote:Being bit of a fan of Star Trek, I thought I'd watch the first episode of this... I couldn't get into it at all. Didn't find it funny or anything. I've just scrolled up and looked at the images posted to see if I get them, and nope, don't get them either. 
The pilot dident convince me either but the episodes coming later changed my mind. But yes it's not really out loud funny, but the episodes are getting much better.
18 Reply by TheFizza 2022-09-29 03:31:02 (edited by TheFizza 2022-09-29 03:39:58)

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
graybags wrote:Being bit of a fan of Star Trek, I thought I'd watch the first episode of this... I couldn't get into it at all. Didn't find it funny or anything. I've just scrolled up and looked at the images posted to see if I get them, and nope, don't get them either. 
I give most series a 3-4 Ep test period and Lower Decks really benefits from watching a few, to get the lay of the land/vibe... which especially works out here, as Temporal Edict is quite a fun Ep.
19 Reply by paisley1 2022-09-30 05:49:02 (edited by paisley1 2022-09-30 23:35:29)

- paisley1
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
graybags wrote:Being bit of a fan of Star Trek, I thought I'd watch the first episode of this... I couldn't get into it at all. Didn't find it funny or anything. I've just scrolled up and looked at the images posted to see if I get them, and nope, don't get them either. 
Oh 'ol graybags, lolz, they make Star Trek references and inside jokes throughout Lower Decks to take the piss out of Star Trek for a little fun and, the Cerritos gets sucked into a black hole in the intro!!! I love it when one of the characters loses their sh!t and starts breaking things and ordering people around, or everything just goes to sh!t, nothing works, and they have to improvise and the hilarity begins. @HomerS - Season 3 has been laugh-out-loud all season long for me. @TheFizza - Episode 305 "Reflections" had so many Voyager references it topped the charts for a fanboy like me. Replicating a Delta Flyer, suspecting people of being Maquis, shout outs to Tom Paris, Janeway, and The Dr., so good I re-watched it. 306 "Hear All, Trust Nothing" was the DS9 counterpart. Some quotes: ▼Spoiler Rutherford: "that's chief O'Brien's dartboard", lolz, Colm Meaney ftw, then Mariner "Just actualizing my dreams!" as she stuns all the girls. So funny. I love that Quark's humor plays so well for Lower Decks he just plays himself. 
20 Reply by paisley1 2022-10-20 02:56:59 (edited by paisley1 2022-10-20 03:01:05)

- paisley1
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
307 was a weird call back episode, funny but weird. 308 was great, a holodeck AI movie maker episode, Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus. Spoiler.....
21 Reply by sedman 2022-10-28 03:28:11 (edited by sedman 2022-10-28 03:29:23)
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
If only this was live action! Its been one of the few shows I've looked forward to every week. I've been waiting for Rutherford's story to wrap up, and it made a pretty satisfying ending to the season. Its a shame each episode is so short.
22 Reply by paisley1 2023-09-11 05:07:48 (edited by paisley1 2023-09-11 06:13:21)

- paisley1
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
4x1,2 - Both these episodes stories were stolen, 4x1 Twovix from Voyager 2x24 - Tuvix which they played right into like bringing back Dr. Chaotica and other holograms, so funny, , and 4x2 I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee, is a play on the Orville 1x2 Command Performance episode where Ed and Kelly get stuck in a Menagerarium and trade all of Earths reality TV episodes for their freedom, lolz, 4x2 wasn't as funny. These scenes were great though: 

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Loved Ep 1 for the season but 2 was just okay... Can't wait for the next tho!
24 Reply by TheFizza 2025-01-08 07:49:59 (edited by TheFizza 2025-01-08 07:50:21)

- TheFizza
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
That finale was sooooo good but I'm sad we won't get the like three series that last episode set up... I especially would like to see a multiverse exploration Trek series!
- Registered: 2016-06-10
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Re: Star Trek: Lower Decks
TheFizza wrote:That finale was sooooo good but I'm sad we won't get the like three series that last episode set up... I especially would like to see a multiverse exploration Trek series!
I agree with you. I have a problem with a show that is doing well ending. If they keep the same writers and story lines going. Who knows where this could have gone. I mean look at The Simpsons, Family Guy. Those shows compared to Lower Decks are crap. But they do have their own place in things. Maybe its time to power watch the entire thing, see what I missed and put it down for good. One last hurrah.
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