Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

graybags wrote:

Well, would you look at that.  They both knew who each other was after all, as I suspected they would, and nobody here commented. roll

Yeah they really did choose the least annoying option here - another point in favour of the show.

52 (edited by merc_1 2020-07-11 15:54:28)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

lighton wrote:

Yay. smile

And some good news (and slightly bad news at the same time):

DC's Stargirl Renewed for Season 2, Which Will Be Exclusive to The CW
("there are no plans for the second season to stream on DC Universe")
https://tvline.com/2020/07/06/dcs-starg … e-cw-only/

well understandable as the CW version was the inferior one? who would tolerate that? The writers will have to be more creative in future. Any way the differences have been getting smaller - it was only the first few eps where there were major differences? ( if you have been following any of the podcasts) I do wonder how long the show can/should run, maybe better to have a grande battle finale the reverse of the opening first eps than going on and on?

Apart from the identity/mask issue  there is one other issue not mentioned? tru of many super hero series?

If you had the Cosmic Staff  why on earth would you ever engage in fisti-cuffs hand to hand? I would keep my distance and just blast away until the enemy is  turned to mush?  That wouldnt make for  good tv though? ( you dont see icicle getting his hands dirty?)

One thing that was funny in the very last scene of esp 8 in the dragon kings lair. You get a closeup of the old CRT monitors he has ( you would have thought he would have modern lcd ones?) any way an unintended? product placement was the SONY name. Not sure if I was Sony I would be amused at being associated with CRT monitors these days


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

Another thing that's hard to believe happened in 1x10: using the company's mail system to write a sensitive and very personal email.

I'm still watching the show, but it's only a 7/10 from me.

54 (edited by merc_1 2020-07-22 09:30:35)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

lighton wrote:

Another thing that's hard to believe happened in 1x10: using the company's mail system to write a sensitive and very personal email.

I'm still watching the show, but it's only a 7/10 from me.

I think that's a minor blemish to an otherwise very well made show. Its been very successful in my mind in leaving the viewer with cliff hangers and questions? what is the message and will Jordan see it? It is comic book land ( and Earth 2) . The show has handled the fact that the new JSA are teenagers very well, without making them  (young) adults


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

So far I really like the show, it's well made with good song choices.

And i also find it easy to watch not like some other recent DC shows where i first liked them but then it felt more and more like a chore to watch and eventually sidelined them after 4-5 episodes.

That might change but so far i have little to complain about.



Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

HomerS wrote:

So far I really like the show, it's well made with good song choices.

And i also find it easy to watch not like some other recent DC shows where i first liked them but then it felt more and more like a chore to watch and eventually sidelined them after 4-5 episodes.

That might change but so far i have little to complain about.

well you only have 3 eps left from the first season to find a chore wink  The question in my mind is  how many and which if any of the ISA will get killed?


Is dragon king  dead?

I think one of the reason this show has been good is that it is a short 13 eps rather than those monster 22 things of Arrow/Legends/Supergirl/Flash & the writers dont have to spread their ideas too thinly and have to concentrate them?


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

lighton wrote:

Another thing that's hard to believe happened in 1x10: using the company's mail system to write a sensitive and very personal email.

That's bad enough, though also surprisingly common.
The thing that should really bother anyone who has ever had to think about data security is that she left the office while leaving her screen unlocked with, besides the obvious, all kinds of other potentially sensitive information already in plain view on the screen, even. Don't do that, people.


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

some_one wrote:
lighton wrote:

Another thing that's hard to believe happened in 1x10: using the company's mail system to write a sensitive and very personal email.

That's bad enough, though also surprisingly common.
The thing that should really bother anyone who has ever had to think about data security is that she left the office while leaving her screen unlocked with, besides the obvious, all kinds of other potentially sensitive information already in plain view on the screen, even. Don't do that, people.

I didn't even bother mentioning that because that still happens in a lot of smaller companies.

A friend who works in a bigger company told me that they mess with people who do this, like rotate the desktop so it's upside down when that person returns to his/her desk. big_smile Those people then typically learn quickly. wink

59 (edited by merc_1 2020-07-27 15:06:13)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

lighton wrote:
some_one wrote:
lighton wrote:

Another thing that's hard to believe happened in 1x10: using the company's mail system to write a sensitive and very personal email.

That's bad enough, though also surprisingly common.
The thing that should really bother anyone who has ever had to think about data security is that she left the office while leaving her screen unlocked with, besides the obvious, all kinds of other potentially sensitive information already in plain view on the screen, even. Don't do that, people.

I didn't even bother mentioning that because that still happens in a lot of smaller companies.

A friend who works in a bigger company told me that they mess with people who do this, like rotate the desktop so it's upside down when that person returns to his/her desk. big_smile Those people then typically learn quickly. wink

I think you two are taking this all too seriously. ( any way she is about to leave Blue valley pronto so why care? and given all that's happened an oversight ?)I mean  why not question the staff with a personallity and its ability to fly or brain waves stupendous powers able to  shift  cars ( the 2nd?  eps v the robot. The amount of energy required must be very high beyond what a human mind can generate ). Maybe the way you describe is on Earth 1 where the other  Arrowverse heroes are. This is Earth 2 where there are different standards  as part of the multiverse notion ( why not also  question the multi verse idea esp  the crisis on infinite earths that produced a fully formed  earth 1 rather than a big bang  primordial  world) The whole DC universe is absurd really.  I think Stargirl has handled the human issues well - the new JSA are convincingly teens & the ( ISA) adults are not black and white morally.


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

merc_1 wrote:

I think you two are taking this all too seriously. ( any way she is about to leave Blue valley pronto so why care? and given all that's happened an oversight ?)I mean  why not question the staff with a personallity and its ability to fly or brain waves stupendous powers able to  shift  cars ( the 2nd?  eps v the robot. The amount of energy required must be very high beyond what a human mind can generate ). Maybe the way you describe is on Earth 1 where the other  Arrowverse heroes are. This is Earth 2 where there are different standards  as part of the multiverse notion ( why not also  question the multi verse idea esp  the crisis on infinite earths that produced a fully formed  earth 1 rather than a big bang  primordial  world) The whole DC universe is absurd really.  I think Stargirl has handled the human issues well - the new JSA are convincingly teens & the ( ISA) adults are not black and white morally.

Uhm. We are not saying this is unrealistic. It is, indeed, fairly common for people to do that. But it is stupid, and the stupid is driving the plot here.

If the plot is already driven by chance (him walking in at just the right time), I'd like for it to not also be driven by her stupidity, that's all.


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

some_one wrote:

If the plot is already driven by chance (him walking in at just the right time), I'd like for it to not also be driven by her stupidity, that's all.

Well said!

62 (edited by merc_1 2020-07-23 23:08:18)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

some_one wrote:
merc_1 wrote:

I think you two are taking this all too seriously. ( any way she is about to leave Blue valley pronto so why care? and given all that's happened an oversight ?)I mean  why not question the staff with a personallity and its ability to fly or brain waves stupendous powers able to  shift  cars ( the 2nd?  eps v the robot. The amount of energy required must be very high beyond what a human mind can generate ). Maybe the way you describe is on Earth 1 where the other  Arrowverse heroes are. This is Earth 2 where there are different standards  as part of the multiverse notion ( why not also  question the multi verse idea esp  the crisis on infinite earths that produced a fully formed  earth 1 rather than a big bang  primordial  world) The whole DC universe is absurd really.  I think Stargirl has handled the human issues well - the new JSA are convincingly teens & the ( ISA) adults are not black and white morally.

Uhm. We are not saying this is unrealistic. It is, indeed, fairly common for people to do that. But it is stupid, and the stupid is driving the plot here.

If the plot is already driven by chance (him walking in at just the right time), I'd like for it to not also be driven by her stupidity, that's all.

I dont understand your expectations. If this was a serious hibrow cultural BBC drama that dealt with fictional  but real life then  fine,  having the drama driven by accidents or coincidences not a good idea.  But it isnt such a beast. It can be more relaxed on this matter. It doesnt matter how the original email was sent whether desktop or phone, and  the message reply on the screen isnt driving the drama as no one see its,Barbara doesnt see it, unless she goes  back.  And Jordan doesnt see it either as he leaves when he sees she isnt there. Its purely a device for the viewers  benefit to raise questions & doubts and puzzlements in our mind as to who Courtneys dad really is, and the subsequent fallout if Starman isnt.. It seems that there was an easter egg amongst the list of email sources But you will have to listen to that podcast I mentioned to get that

63 (edited by some_one 2020-07-23 23:02:51)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

merc_1 wrote:

I dont understand your expectations. If this was a serious hibrow cultural BBC drama that dealt with fictional  but real life then  fine,  having the drama driven by accidents or coincidences not a good idea.  But it isnt such a beast. It can be more relaxed on this matter. Any way and this is the real point the message on the screen isnt driving the drama as no one see its,Barbara doesnt see it, unless she goes  back.  And Jordan doesnt see it either as he leaves when he sees she isnt there. Its purely a device for the viewers  benefit to raise questions & doubts and puzzlements in our mind as to who Courtneys dad really is, and the subsequent fallout if Starman isnt.. It seems that there was an easter egg amongst the list of email sources But you will have to listen to that podcast I mentioned to get that

I have to assume you did not actually read all of my (very brief) previous post.

Stories must be driven forward.
Stories must be driven forward by something.
The writers decide what that "something" is going to be.

We disagree with their choice here.
The choice they made was "stupid actions and chance".


Also yes, they are finally addressing the parentage here, but they were pretty clear on that from the beginning.
This subplot of her jumping to the conclusion was starting to get annoying.

64 (edited by merc_1 2020-07-24 00:17:31)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

some_one wrote:
merc_1 wrote:

I dont understand your expectations. If this was a serious hibrow cultural BBC drama that dealt with fictional  but real life then  fine,  having the drama driven by accidents or coincidences not a good idea.  But it isnt such a beast. It can be more relaxed on this matter. Any way and this is the real point the message on the screen isnt driving the drama as no one see its,Barbara doesnt see it, unless she goes  back.  And Jordan doesnt see it either as he leaves when he sees she isnt there. Its purely a device for the viewers  benefit to raise questions & doubts and puzzlements in our mind as to who Courtneys dad really is, and the subsequent fallout if Starman isnt.. It seems that there was an easter egg amongst the list of email sources But you will have to listen to that podcast I mentioned to get that

I have to assume you did not actually read all of my (very brief) previous post.

Stories must be driven forward.
Stories must be driven forward by something.
The writers decide what that "something" is going to be.

We disagree with their choice here.
The choice they made was "stupid actions and chance".


Also yes, they are finally addressing the parentage here, but they were pretty clear on that from the beginning.
This subplot of her jumping to the conclusion was starting to get annoying.

You need to distinguish between what is driving the actions of the people  in the  drama forward ( what makes psychological sense) and how things are being told us who are not part of the story.  They are not the same. The only  chance matter relevant to the actions of the people in the story  is Jordans parents norwegian chatter. How the email was sent has no  real significance stupid or otherwise, It's Barbara's office not Jordans, there is no reason for  him to go looking? ( The I.T section might of course)  One  thing that might have affected the actions of the people would be the reply that popped up but as far as we know no one sees that. ( only us &  we are teased as we will have to wait until  the next episode...)

The only thing one might take issue with is why Jordans parents are there why not wait until he goes  home., but we are told there is a family matter to deal with and this is small town America?

so you right about the Jordan and parents walking in  but not the way the email was sent. The first has significance within the story and explains why Barbara comes round to Pats way of thinking,  the second could have but doesn't it is there for our benefit, a cliff hanger

Not sure what  you mean by your spoiler and why you are annoyed, she is  just 15 years old


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

eps 11 excellent. Though I bet some here will find fault at the pathos and other sentiments


Well Courtney's dad is a real shit?


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

merc_1 wrote:

eps 11 excellent. Though I bet some here will find fault at the pathos and other sentiments

Sooooooo much drama and sadness... sad One of my least favorite episodes.

Maybe I should rewatch some https://next-episode.net/the-walking-dead to cheer me up now...

67 (edited by merc_1 2020-07-31 19:08:56)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

lighton wrote:
merc_1 wrote:

eps 11 excellent. Though I bet some here will find fault at the pathos and other sentiments

Sooooooo much drama and sadness... sad One of my least favorite episodes.

Maybe I should rewatch some https://next-episode.net/the-walking-dead to cheer me up now...

10 seasons of gloom and nightmare & angst? some one must like that sort of thing?


Sad depressing? The drama esp the janitor/shining knight's performance underlined the pure evil that is the ISA and the shocking casual dismissal  by Brainwave of the killing of his own  family.  We saw Jordan mentally change from wanting to protect Barbara,who he has taken a shine to and her daughter , to  deciding to wipe out the  whole family incl mikey.

well eps 11 was written  by Geoff Johns himself, and I understand ( from a podcast) he described it as a show for all the family


The locket scene  dialogue was apparently taken almost word for word from the comic book Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. written  by him

You can see why he cast Brec Bassinger, almost a spitting image of her?


A very clever and acomplished eps that transitioned Courtney from the school girl teen with her fairy tale delusions to super hero in her own rigth. It was bound to be an emotionally very difficult eps that could easily have copped out of it. A lesser eps would have side stepped matters.  Remember she is just a15 CHILD. Supergirl or the Flash or Arrow etc started off with adults.  One valid question is whether a 15 old child should become a super hero courting death

68 (edited by Lollie 2020-08-06 08:05:31)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

merc_1 wrote:

We saw Jordan mentally change from wanting to protect Barbara,who he has taken a shine to and her daughter , to  deciding to wipe out the  whole family incl mikey.

It looked to me almost like he was testing


how far Brainwave would go, if he would even kill a kid. Maybe see some change from Jordan next season?



Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

Lollie wrote:
merc_1 wrote:

We saw Jordan mentally change from wanting to protect Barbara,who he has taken a shine to and her daughter , to  deciding to wipe out the  whole family incl mikey.

It looked to me almost like he was testing


how far Brainwave would go, if he would even kill a kid. Maybe see some change from Jordan next season?


assuming there are any left as the seem be imploding, killing themselves off? wizard, fiddler?


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

merc_1 wrote:
Lollie wrote:
merc_1 wrote:

We saw Jordan mentally change from wanting to protect Barbara,who he has taken a shine to and her daughter , to  deciding to wipe out the  whole family incl mikey.

It looked to me almost like he was testing


how far Brainwave would go, if he would even kill a kid. Maybe see some change from Jordan next season?


assuming there are any left as the seem be imploding, killing themselves off? wizard, fiddler?



they are definitely breaking down.



Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

Lollie wrote:
merc_1 wrote:
Lollie wrote:
merc_1 wrote:

We saw Jordan mentally change from wanting to protect Barbara,who he has taken a shine to and her daughter , to  deciding to wipe out the  whole family incl mikey.

It looked to me almost like he was testing


how far Brainwave would go, if he would even kill a kid. Maybe see some change from Jordan next season?


assuming there are any left as the seem be imploding, killing themselves off? wizard, fiddler?



they are definitely breaking down.


One thing I am sure  you have noticed the good guys havent  killed any one? had I been Pat I would have taken the large spanner creamed Sportmasters head, and similary Courtney blast tigris to kingdom come, rather than leave them to fight another day. I doubt we will see any of the kids kill any one?


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

merc_1 wrote:

One thing I am sure  you have noticed the good guys havent  killed any one? had I been Pat I would have taken the large spanner creamed Sportmasters head, and similary Courtney blast tigris to kingdom come, rather than leave them to fight another day. I doubt we will see any of the kids kill any one?

The murdering and incidental fatalities is for the bad guys, cuffing and sending to jail is the stuff of good guys.

Though they might ding a car or two :3


73 (edited by merc_1 2020-08-09 06:45:07)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

Why Stargirl's Brec Bassinger Cried A Lot Watching The Season 1 Finale

https://www.cinemablend.com/television/ … n-1-finale

so  not one for lighton ?


Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

I'll watch the finale, but based on what the show has been so far I highly doubt I'll cry. cool

75 (edited by merc_1 2020-08-10 15:30:09)

Re: Stargirl [Action, Adventure, Crime]

season finale. eps 13. A great ending? lots of action and fun and hitting the Gambler where it hurts and even Mikey gets a lookin? ( this is a family show). Atleast we all now know why all those playing fields use artificial grass coverings?


I think Starman will be a bit miffed that Courtney has  cut up his suit, it wont  fit him any more & who gets to use the staff now?  a time share?